Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Another quick update

I talked to our EI coordinator about PT, and guess what? She is retiring at the end of the summer and they have a request in to another PT who she said is very good and less "traditional" than our current PT. It makes it easier than me asking for a new one! Our current PT is very "old school" and doesn't love the idea of therapies like hippo and assistive devices like a walker, unless it is absolutely necessary. I just like to try new things in case they may work, or in the case of aquatics and hippotherpay, can be fun and be a sport we engage the kids in throughout their lives, (and hopefully helpful developmentally.) I also talked to her and OT about them doing the write up for hippotherapy for Edwin instead of asking PT again (and I'll bring Serena once and awhile so she can have fun too). If I get a write up our insurance MIGHT cover it. We'll keep our fingers crossed for that!

In other news Edwin UNDERSTANDS us! He has receptive language! And has proved it in a very real way recently. We can say, "Edwin clap your hands" and not clap ours, and he will do it! He knows what we're saying!!!! I was so excited I got teary eyed, as did Grammy! I am so thrilled and he is showing more and more maturity daily.
He is getting better with his sensory issues to the ground (dirt and grass). And every day spends quite a bit of time outside, slowly learning not to immediately pick his hands up off of the ground. We're so proud!

Serena is a talking machine. Now that walking has taken off, her language is exploding.
She says or will say with prompting:
mama, dada, mom, hi dad, bye, buh bye, bub buh (for her bottle), dog, ball, book, up, go, uh oh, no, oops, whatsthat?, whatsthis? peek-a-boo, boo, WHOA!, oooohhhh, thank you (according to our nurse but I didn't hear it yet). She makes the sound for a snake "sssss" as well. She also tries to copy almost any word you say slowly to her. It's really amazing!

They are growing up so fast it's almost a little emotional to think about it. As proud as I am, and as amazing it is to see them learning and growing, it's a little sad to think they are not "babies" anymore. Although they'll always be "my babies" to me!!!

We ate ice cream sandwiches for dessert


Nancy said...

I do love messy baby face pics :P

Nancy said...

I do love messy baby face pics :P