Saturday, August 16, 2008

Long time no update

Sorry I've been MIA...just SUPER busy. We have a new member of the family. An (almost) 17 year old girl I work with has been placed in our care for an undetermined amount of time. She is super nice and a great girl. I'm not going to talk much about her here out of respect for her privacy and the particulars of her situation, but that explains the lack of blogging...getting things situated for her here.
The kids are doing really well. Hippotherapy continues to be a great therapy for Edwin, as well as aquatic therapy. Ej also got his DAFOs, but hates them and I am having difficulty getting him to wear them, let alone walking with them. But he is doing great with his walker without the AFOs and can get in it himself and take off...Now we are just working on steering.
Serena is getting HUGE...she is quite chubby and heavy to hold. She is uses more words and our next goal is to get her to say even more and eventually start putting words together.

I have pictures, but have yet to upload them...Soon I promise!


Melissa said...

I'm sorry to hear that he hates his DAFO's. You know I am not an expert, but just to share my experience.....Ross hated his and I kept forcing him to wear them for days and days. He cried and cried and I finally took him back to the orthotist and THEY DIDN'T FIT CORRECTLY! He made some adjustments, and we put them back on Ross and he never complained again. He wore them every day without a complaint. Again, I am totally not an expert and am NOT saying that is what is going on with Edwin, but I felt like I should at least mention that it can happen. I was floored, since I thought that because they were casted/molded specifically for Ross there was no way that could happen, but it did. I hope that is helpful!! (And I hope you figure it out so he can wear them!)

On the other hand, I am so thrilled to hear that he is doing so well without them!!

Yeah for Serena's language skills, too!! Woohoo!!

Randi said...

That is so wonderful, Stephanie! Edwin is doing so wonderfully in his therapy it appears, that is great. I had to smile at the picture of him hating his DAFO's, but he seemed okay with them in the next picture.
I am also impressed with the amusement park ride! How did that go? Were you nervous? The boys have never been on a ride, but you guys just inspired me to have a little faith!
Did you go to Multiple's Day at Southwick's? We were going to go, but I had to work. :-(