It is with great joy I can finally say that I do not know exactly how many words Serena can say. Serena is talking up a storm and language is coming so easily to her. She uses phrases, uses words to idenitfy things, and uses words to ask for what she wants. She also says and signs "more" the only sign we do since Edwin still hasn't mastered it, although we keep trying!
Serena says, "come on" when she doesn't get what she wants (no's super funny!) Her favorites are: "stop it", "no", "mine", "eat", "tubby", "wead" (read), "pssssp" (please), "Elmo" (a favorite), "cookie", "hotdog", "bone" (phone), "George" (of Curious George), "Dora" (of Dora the Explorar, known via her dolls not the show) and "all done." The other day she said "I see you" after I said that to her when she was hiding (a favorite thing to do). It was so funny! Serena is probably still delayed for her actual age of 2, but there is nothing outright concerning about her development. She walks, tries to run, has great receptive and actual language, eats everything in sight, and is now drinking water from a sippy cup!!!! Big accomplishment for her! She doesn't like juice, but I'm ok with her drinking milk from a bottle and water from the sippy!
Even though Edwin is only 3 minutes younger than Serena, he is several months behind her in most areas...which can be tough to admit sometimes. He still doesn't walk and we are having a big team meeting Thursday to address the differing opinions of the AFOs. He is crawling up stair reciprically, which is what our current PT says will help him with walking better in his walker. He does pretty well with the walker but doesn't have very good leg separation and often takes small close together steps instead of nice, "normal" ones. The little close steps cause him to lose balance and he falls to his knees.
Sitting is going wonderfully! He sits on his bum very well now and he sat on the scale at the pedi's office for the first time without panicking and trying to get off or reach for someone! It was amazing and I was so proud! You can see him using his trunk while sitting (he sometimes sways) and this goes to show he still has a lot of strengthening to work on, but he is making great progress.
I asked PT if I'd get my Christmas wish of Edwin walking, and she said he might be able to take steps, but not full walking, but she did say that he would be before his 3rd birthday. All in time I guess.
Little man is still not talking either, but we are really working on it. Sometimes I worry about it, but with his other delays, I'm hopeful it will come in time and that his brain is so busy working on gross motor and balance that language in on the back burner for now.
We have an appointment with the neurologist in January and a NICU follow up visit next month. It'll probably be a little tough to hear just how delayed he is, but he has come sucha long way from not being able to sit at all or crawl on open palms and knees. I know he will do things, it is just going to take him longer.
It truly goes to show that every child's development is different, and in cases of making decisions about resuscitation for 23 weekers...clearly individuals differ. And due to everything they went through, I am so proud and grateful for both of their progress! They are happy, loved (and know it), and very social. Those things are very important to me...more so than their specific developmental milestone being hit at specific times.
In Edwin, Sr news, he is fighting Nov 8th in Boston. I sent out an email to many people, but if I have forgotten you and you are interested, email me. This is a very important fight...he is the MAIN EVENT and it is scheduled for 8 rounds (his first 8 rounder!)
There is also big news about his career that will be coming up within the next few months. Things are coming along, and we are very excited!