Thursday, October 23, 2008

HE DID IT!!!!!

Signing with him is in full effect. He finally "gets it" and we are soooo thrilled. What an accomplishment! So proud of you precious boy!!!!

***Serena said and signed "more" as well and I thought Daddy caught it, but he didn't. (You can also hear her say "mama", "more", "okay" and "up up".) Edwin also waved on command, although Daddy only got the tail end because he zoomed in too much. P.S. he learned this sign for the first time today at our 2 hour wait at ortho. More about that in tomorrow's post, entitled "To AFO or not to AFO...that is the question."


Mommato4miracles said...

YEAH!!! Go Edwin, what a wonderful accomplishment. so excited for you all.

Randi said...

Had tears in my eyes watching that video. You are blessed Stephanie!
I am so proud of your children.

liz.mccarthy said...

Hi Stephanie, I am very behind on checking in (I know you'll understand, with my having a new baby and all), but I've been wanting to ask you about serenas surgery....How is her voice tone? You are my idol for doing this surgery now (and it worked for her aspiration too), but i'm curious if it's something that I could consider down the line for Kaitlyn to help her quiet little voice.
PS, so glad Edwin is doing so well. and pps, edwin Jr signing and laughing is so cute.

You can email me if you want: