Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Worst Blogger EVER!

Hi everyone...I know most people will probably not even see this because they have probably long stopped checking here because I haven't posted in FOREVER. Truth is, I started a new full time job, have been taking 2-3 grad classes a semester, and have been enjoying my 4 year old twins!

Things are going well. I really don't even know where to start! Edwin and I got married FINALLY on September 3rd, 2010.
Edwin Jr's walking, and now walking up and down stairs with his hand held. He is still mostly non-verbal, but understands a lot and has many word approximations and words he does say. He has assistive technology at school.

Serena is extremely verbal and does well at school. She helps another student with DS and is very caring. This is their second year of preK and they are in separate classrooms this year which is working out well for them. Serena is able to focus on herself and not worry about her brother so much.

There is so much more I'd love to say, but I can't find the words. Feels like I went too long without updating. But, here is a picture, and I will try and do a Christmas post. Happy Holidays everyone!!!!


Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

So glad I checked in on your family and saw this update! Your kiddos are so beautiful and congrats on your wedding!! God bless you all in the New Year!

Carter and Addy's Mommy said...

I actually checked it tonight and I haven't done so in many weeks, months, ect.!

Congrats on your marriage, how exciting! You looked beautiful on your wedding day!

Hopefully I can follow your blog again! ;) The twins look GREAT! So happy that EJ is walking!