Monday, July 23, 2007

6 months adjusted age

Hello all.

It seems so crazy that 6 months ago we were just getting ready to come home from the NICU after 4 months of hell. These six months have flown by for me, and Serena and Edwin have changed sooo much.
They are very much into toys now and are truly little social butterflies.
Here is a little bit about them at 6 months adjusted age.


She probably has the best disposition of any baby I have ever encountered. She is so mellow and soooo happy. She smiles at the slighest smirk from anyone, is brought to huge grins by toys, and is content to quietly observe while her brother cries until he is picked up or smiled at. Serena's fine motor and gross motor skills are taking off. She is a pro at tummy time and rolling from belly to back. She picks up toys, grabs at hanging toys, and tries to wriggle closer to toys just out of her reach. Everything goes into her mouth for exploration purposes. Serena is a GREAT sleeper. She can go down at 7:30 and not awake until 6 for some breakfast and then is back to sleep until 8:30-9. She will then take another nap around 11. She rarely wakes up crying, but rather opens her beautiful almond shaped eyes, entertains herself while someone prepares her milk, and then gives them the hugest grin when they appear at her crib. The only time Serena cries is if she is hungry or if she is over tired and needs someone to hold her and give her her pacifier until she falls completely asleep, which of course none of us mind doing since she is just so cuddly. She is a thumb sucker/fingers/whole hand sucker, and sometimes gags herself by sticking all of her fingers in her mouth at once. Silly girl. She is such a joy and she really makes me happy just by looking at her.

Edwin Jr.

Edwin is a Mommy's boy, and really very fond of anyone who enjoys holding him and talking to him. He is extremely social and wants the attention. He loves when anyone talks and smiles at him, and does a great job going back and forth in "conversation." I swear he says "hi" although obviously he has no idea what he is saying. He mimics sounds though, and has said "hi" countless times after we say hi to him. Edwin is doing much better with head control and tummy time. He still isn't nearly as strong as Serena, but is still O2 dependent, so that could account for some of it. He has also just figured out how to get his arm unstuck and make it from back to tummy. Edwin's sleep is sometimes disrupted, and he usually needs a comforting pat on his back, his pacifier, or a few sucks from a bottle, and then settles again. He is still a good sleeper though, and can sometimes make it all night without much fuss; especially if he is sleeping in his basinette next to our bed, which is where he and Serena sleep when there is no overnight nurse because it is easier to replace a cannula that has been pulled or rubbed out. Edwin also loves to smile, and does this extremely cute smile/opened mouth grin whenever he sees Mommy (see above picture.) Of course he melts my heart as well, and the sight of Champ makes me so very happy. I think soon I will make the transition to calling him EJ. Of course Champ is his nickname for family, but I figure for school purposes, etc EJ is more appropriate. Having 2 Edwins in the house is just too confusing!

I can't believe in a few short months we will be celebrating S & E's first actual birthday. Every day I see their gorgeous faces I am reminded how very lucky we are, and how devoted we are to giving them all the love in the world.


abby said...

You've come a long way, babies! Seriously, I can so totally see the toddlers in them already!

Carter and Addy's Mommy said...

Your babies are so cute!! Their eyes are so pretty!! I am so glad they are doing so well. I gave birth to boy/girl twins in January, we were only 25.5 weeks along. You can visit my blog at

I've been following your blog for awhile, but just thought I'd finally leave a comment. Your children are BEAUTIFUL!

Lisa said...

You are it!

Miracles said...

I too can see the toddlers in them. It's amazing how quickly time flies. They are so cute Stephanie keep up the good work!!

How was Edwin's visit to Canada? If you all ever make it out this way you'll have to let me know.

Sarah Furlough said...

What a great post. I can tell from their pictures that they are happy little babies!They sure have come a VERY LONG WAY!

Unknown said...

those are some beautiful babies!