Thursday, September 27, 2007

They were born...25.2 weeks

My cousin's twin girls were born sometime late last night. My mom got the call from my aunt at 4:30am our time, so Amber probablly delivered on the 26th California time. The babies are both less than 2 pounds, but we don't have exact weights. Amber underwent an emergency c section, was put unconscious, and my cousin was not permitted to be in the room. He saw the babies, but they were then brought to San Diego to a Level III NICU. I am assuming with their respiratory need and their small size the Level II they were at felt it best for them to be at a Level III.
I will be calling later this afternoon,. although Amber will need to stay in the hospital where she delivered for 3 days, which means she can't see her babies until the weekend. Michael will be able to visit and tell Amber what is going on. Hopefully he will take some pictures and send them to me...I asked him to do that when we talked last night.
Another ride for our family. The hardest part was in talking to them last night there were no tears and I think no idea what was in store. It's a personal journey you have to take to understand completely. But even beyond the NICU, my mom said it best to my aunt when they spoke early this morning "It's not just the NICU, having premature twins is a lifestyle." It sure is.
And there are plenty of scary times, (i.e. even last nigth with Serena's cold really interfering with her respiratory ability and us having to take her in today most definitely), but there are also so many rewards. I pray that my cousin's baby girls, Lily and Sophia, will have the most uneventful NICU stay as possible and wish them a life of health and happiness.


Nathali said...

We'll be praying for them!! I can't believe they were already born, I had hoped that they could have 'cooked' a little longer.
I know this must be so hard for you (especially the date) since it will bring back so many memories. But you are strong and you can be their rock!! Hang in there!!

abby said...

Oh, Stephanie, this is too much for one family to bear. I hope the girls are OK and doing well and that your cousin was able to get at least one round of steroids for their lungs. I know that 25 weeks is a lot better than 23, but still, it's a matter of degree and not kind.

I assume they are in a Level III (highest acuity) unit, and not Level I. But whereever they are, I send them our prayers.

Miracles said...

Your mom is so right, it is a lifestyle. Having twins is hard, but having preemie twins can be so challenging at times. We have to deal with preemie issues X 2!

I'm keeping your family in my thoughts and praying for an uneventful NICU stay for the twins.

23wktwinsmommy said...

Yes you're right Abby...Level III. They kept saying Level I, but now that I think back and Level III is the most intensive. Thanks for clarifying that. She got 2 rounds of steroids b/c they gave them to her closer together knowing they probably couldn't stop the labor. I'll post more about the girls when I talk to my cousin tonight.

Lori said...

They will be in my prayers. Please take good care of yourself during this time Stephanie. These events are likely to bring back tough memories, especially with the twins' bday just days away.



Mommato4miracles said...

Hi Steph,
Just wanted to let you know we are praying too. For your cousin's family, as well as yours. I can't imagine the thoughts going through your head as you realize someone else is going to take the roller coaster ride you did. WE are PRAYING!!!