Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Okay so these pictures didn't come out too good, but we had fun on the twin's second Halloween. Last year was terrible, as EJ was extremely critical and was just transported to Boston for his PDA ligation. We weren't sure if he would return to our NICU. Right before he left via ambulance, Serena ended up with an infection and was put on antibiotics yet again.
They have come along way these cuties. So tonight we celebrated with a little trick-or-treating in Grammy's neighborhood :)

Happy Halloween!!!!

Kitty's in the candy bowl again

Where are the twins?
Mommy and Tigger

This is too scary..more like Mommy is holding us still and we want to crawl to the candy again... (Edwin's little brother in the mummy costume)

Daddy is silly...found this wig in our old box of Halloween stuff from when my sis and I were young

Help! My nasal cannula is pulling on my nose!

Yum! Tubing!

All I can say is HAHAHAHA!

FYI...the past few days, and especially last night EJ has been saying "ooooo" (I can't type how it sounds...not OOOO but like a cute ghost would, or a child looking at a BIG Christmas tree in awe. I'll video tape it..) It is adorable and if you make the noise he will copy. He said it when we went to the brightly decorated houses and to a little boy dressed as Curious George.
Additionally, I swear Serena said "bababa" yesterday, and I watched as her mouth made the motion of ba noise. She did it more than once but I couldn't get her to do it as many times as I would have liked in order to be 100% sure. Either way, she is manipulating her mouth and sound is coming out that sounded like bababa. She read my post and had to show me I was overreacting. Almost like, I'll get it Mom, don't panic. (I'm still having ST come in.)

1 comment:

Nathali said...

The costumes are so adorable!!!

Way to go Serena!!! Start talking to your cute little brother :)