Friday, November 16, 2007

Sicky....but getting better?

Hi all...
Thanks for your kind healing thoughts for EJ. Of course he shared with Beanie and Mommy and all three of us are sick. Daddy is in Colorado with the Police Dept boxing so he was spared the germies. Both kids are on an oral steroid until Monday morning. I think it's helping. They are eating well (especially Serena...go figure) and are playing and still smiling, even if they are throwing up sometimes after a coughing episode.

EI came today and Edwin had a record best of nearly a minute sitting unassisted. His hands were on the floor to help keep his balance, but hands off from Mommy and the therapist. I was so proud of him! He even corrected his balance himself when he started to fall over to one side. He is making slow but steady progress. I didn't think he'd be able to do much this week being sick and all, but he is still tolerating his exercises and is doing great with sitting. Once I have someone here to video tape I'll post his progress in the sitting department. We've got a long ways to go before he can sit without his hands propping him, but he is coming along.

Other than that, we're hanging in there. I know Abby tagged me for the Meme seven thingy, but I'll have to get to that when the kids are asleep tonight, if I don't fall asleep right away that is!


Shannon said...

I hope that they are on the way to recovery!!!!

By the way, I LOVE all the new pictures...they are just so darn cute!

Sarah said...

I hope he feels better soon.

Hey, I tagged you for a meme. For some reason I think you've done this. If so, ignore it. If not, enjoy!