Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Video clip...pulling to stand, twin toddler fun!

While uploading video from the weekend I found this one (where EJ actually DOES pull to stand on his Sesame Street activity table!).
This video gives you a good look at how active they are, and how Serena is more of the dominant twin, wanting to be right where Edwin is and not wanting him to have all the fun. It also shows EJ whining for "mmmm" which I take to mean he wants/needs his Mama.

1 comment:

Miracles said...

There is always a more dominant one that's for sure!

I have a video that shows who's more dominant out of my two little blessings. I think it is from last January or February, if you get a chance check it out on our blog. It actually reminds me of Serena & Edwin.

They are doing so great!