Don't know why Champ looks so worried in these photos, he's usually so smiley and happy but I couldn't capture it in these shots.
Hey all...
Sorry it's been so long. I've been really busy with work and with the kiddos, and with nicer weather we try and visit grammy and get out more.
First off, Edwin lost in the quarterfinals of the National Golden Gloves, it was a very close fight and the fighter who beat him went on ot win the tourney. He fights again for the USA Nationals the first week of June and the top 8 fighters in his weight class will box-off and the winner will be on the Olympic Team. So his shot is still just as good, but of course he was bummed he didn't get the win at the GGs.
As for Serena and Edwin, they are doing great.
My Beana girl is now off O2 for 6 hours a day and doing GREAT! No dips! I am so proud of her. She is doing sooo wonderful with her tummy time. She lifts herself way up on her elbows and forearms and looks around. She also rolls from tummy to back both to her left side and to her right now. It's so cute to see.
Champ is at 200ccs of O2 and will be at only 150 come Sat. Then next Sat it will decreased to 100ccs, and he will then be ready to spendtime off. We will start with 1/2 or 1 hour and go from there. It's a slow wean for my two because of how early they were and the severity of their CLD, but they are making amazing progress.
Champ has also decided that tummy time is actually fun and he has been soo good at lifting his head way up and resting on his forearms and elbows. He looks from side to side and has now begun to roll from tummy to back both ways as well.
I don't think either really know what they are doing but they can do it and do it often so that's cool to me!
They are also into putting all things in their mouths, including their thumbs sometimes, fingers, fists, toys, and Edwin's favorite, his nasal cannula. They also try to eat my hair and suck on people's skin and shirts...nice.
They are soooo social. They LOVE to look at us and smile and coo (well Beanie tries to but with her vocal cord it's tough.) They try and watch tv (uh oh) and they are so curious when we take them outside.
They are so much fun...I love this stage of their lives. Everything is so funny to them and they are so happy and excited to see us smile at them and to see themselves in the mirror. They are just so adorable and amazing in every way.
We will have our NICU follow up soon, they will be 4 months adjusted age by the end of this month, and I have mixed feelings. I think they are doing so well but what will the experts say. It's just another one of those things I secretly worry about in the back of my mind...development. I'm sure they will do well, EI comes and she is pleased, so we'll keep you posted.
Other than that we have other follow up appointments but everything is so far so good with Beanie and her aspirating and with Champ NOT puking.
Sometimes they eve sleep through the 7 hours! That's once in awhile, but it's cool when it happens!
Okay now time to read up on my favorite blogs. Here are some recent pics!
Ahhhhh Good job with tummy time!! Way to go kiddos!!
Such beautiful babies! Glad to hear you all are having just keeps getting better and better doesn't it!?!?
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