Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Vocal cord consult

Real most of you know Serena has left vocal cord paralysis most likely due to her PDA ligation. Her most recent modified barium swallow showed she continues to silently aspirate on liquids...even thickened.
Soo I consulted with pulmonary and he contacted our ENT at MEEI. Our pulm has a patient with a trach who was treated by our ENT for his paralyzed cord. I'm not 100% sure of what the process entails but I know fat of some sort was injected close to the cord to help move it more midline and to give more support to the airway.
I'll know more after our consult May 30th with the ENT.
I'll definitely let you know what I learn from the consult as paralyzed vocal cords and aspiration are issues some of our peers are dealing with as well.

Healing thoughts to all our seems many are sick...including my kiddos who are on day 7 of this stomach thing! ugh...


Kathryn said...

Oh bummer. I have never heard of that! Hopefully they can intervene.

And by the way - that video of her walking - AMAZING!! You guys are so cute with them too. It's a heart warming picture into such a loving home. Thanks for sharing. REally brought tears to my eyes seeing her walking! They are both looking so good.

Emily said...

I'm really anxious to hear how your consult goes! Let us know!!! Our ENT told us that he couldn't do any type of surgery to move the vocal cord to midline until puberty so I'm anxious to hear what you're told.