Saturday, April 5, 2008

Amazing video of our girl walking!!!!!

We're serious about repeating this Serena. Our Beanie girl has not taken nearly as many steps since. We're plan to show her this uploaded video in the morning in hopes that it will remind her how to do it!

I'll try to post an update and pics of both kiddos tomorrow so tune in!


23 weekers said...

Silly girl! The good thing is that they say the more they crawl, the better their hand/eye coordination will be. One of these days, you won't be able to get her to sit still.

What a little cutie!

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

How precious!! Way to go Serena!!

Mommato4miracles said...

So awesome!!!! Yup before you know it she will be into EVERYTHING (well the stuff she isn't already into) She looks so big and healthy. Can't wait to see more pics:) Give them kisses from us.

Jennifer said...

TOo cute!

Arianna took her first independent steps at 17 months and then sat on her butt for 5 more weeks!

Now, of course, I can't get her to stop - she's into the cat food before I can say stop ;-)

Unknown said...

ABSOLUTELY loveee itt Sooo proud!!!

Melissa said...

Ahhh She's walking!!! Such a huge milestone!!! Isn't it the greatest!!!!!! They are getting so big and chunky!! Can we borrow some of that meat!!!!