Thursday, March 5, 2009


LOOOVED the school I went to see yesterday morning, and best news, it's our neighborhood school for the new house! (We should be in by April 1st.)
It is a 10 years young building...all handicap accessible. Integrated life skills for Pre-K. At kindergarten they reevaluate for the best fit for the child.
Full time nurse and entire medical suite because many medically involved children attend this school. No worries about the kids having respiratory issues...there will always be a nurse there to attend to them if needed.
Many children with various special needs, so it is integrated and accepting.
Just a beautiful facility with a staff that is both comfortable and supportive of children with various abilities.
I am so relieved now! Plus, Edwin would be able to use his walker because everwhere outside of his classroom is very close, minus the library, but he would take the elevator with his aide to get there.
Great news! So happy we decided to buy our house in this neighborhood!!!!!


Joey said...
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Mommato4miracles said...

Woohoo!! Glad to hear that this place is going to be wonderful for your kids. Can you believe how fast time flies by? School already?!?! Little miracles they are. Miss you guys!