They are so cute. You have a beautiful family. The change is so amazing over the past 6 months. I can't wait until Kinnick and Carver are another 6 months old.
I had to start screening my comments before they are allowed to post. It's amazing what some people have to say when they have no idea what we go through on a daily basis.
I love babies in the tub! They look like they're having a blast. Seeing EJ reminds me so much of Dakota the way he frogs his legs out. That is what kept Dakota from crawling/pulling up/walking and it is what still creates her weird gait. We used Hip Helpers and the first time I put them on Dakota she got up on all fours and the next day started crawling.
EJ's Hip Helpers are in the mail! I'm hoping they help. He is able to get on all fours, (tilt his pelvis and get up on his knees), but would prefer to relax and play in the "frogged" position, or on his belly with his legs on the floor straight out behind him. Look for an update on the Hip Helpers as soon as they come! EJ pulls to stand and cruises, but still has trouble with crawling correctly. Maybe the Hip Helpers will get him out of the habit of belly crawling when he has far to go (he all-four crawls for short distances when he knows he will be pulling to stand...i.e. close to the couch.)
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Our story
After 5 months of a healthy pregnancy with spontaneous twins, we found out at 23 weeks and 2 days gestation something was terribly wrong. For reasons still unknown, I was in preterm labor, 3 cms dilated and my membranes with baby A were funneling out of my cervix. I lasted only 3 days on bedrest with meds in the hospital, and on September 29, 2006, Serena and Edwin, Jr were born at only 23 weeks 5 days gestation. They weighed 1lb 3oz and were 12" long. They were in the NICU for 122 days and we encountered some of the most frightening times of our lives. We nearly lost Edwin many times, and it is truly a miracle that both survived. Serena and Edwin, Jr are amazing and show us every day just how precious life is and how amazing it can be. We are humbled by the support and love we have found since entering this world of prematurity. Currently, our preemie "struggles" involve Edwin's hypotonic cerebral palsy and need for a reverse walker and AFOs, Serena's paralyzed vocal cord, and their continued oxygen needs while sick. We are passionate about issues related to prematurity and about sharing the very special lives of two amazing children.
I am first and foremost a mom, who works with "at-risk" youth in after-school settings. I am currently pursuing a masters in school counseling. Edwin, Sr is a professional boxer with a record of 10-0 with 7KOs. My email address is
Too cute!!! I can't wait to see them. I love tubby pictures. How long is EJ off O2 each day now?
How fun to have nakey babies without O2 in the tub!
The weight gain is awesome. Way to go S&E!
PS: Dear Serena and Edwin, Jr. Could you please come to my house and teach Emery some good eating tricks?
Thank you,
Emery's Mommy
They look so much alike in these piccies!
They are so cute. You have a beautiful family. The change is so amazing over the past 6 months. I can't wait until Kinnick and Carver are another 6 months old.
I had to start screening my comments before they are allowed to post. It's amazing what some people have to say when they have no idea what we go through on a daily basis.
I love babies in the tub! They look like they're having a blast. Seeing EJ reminds me so much of Dakota the way he frogs his legs out. That is what kept Dakota from crawling/pulling up/walking and it is what still creates her weird gait. We used Hip Helpers and the first time I put them on Dakota she got up on all fours and the next day started crawling.
EJ's Hip Helpers are in the mail! I'm hoping they help. He is able to get on all fours, (tilt his pelvis and get up on his knees), but would prefer to relax and play in the "frogged" position, or on his belly with his legs on the floor straight out behind him.
Look for an update on the Hip Helpers as soon as they come!
EJ pulls to stand and cruises, but still has trouble with crawling correctly. Maybe the Hip Helpers will get him out of the habit of belly crawling when he has far to go (he all-four crawls for short distances when he knows he will be pulling to stand...i.e. close to the couch.)
I love the bathtub pictures!!!
And way to go on the weight gain! Isaac JUST got to 22 lbs.
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