Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Just a quick update

SLAP!!!! So EJ ended up with double ear infections, was miserable, had a fever and barely slept for 3 days. So much for on the medn. He is now feeling better, although still slightly congested and requiring a bit more O2 while asleep. Hopefully we'll be back on our wean schedule by next week.

Serena has decided her two independent steps weren't as cool as Mommy, Daddy, Grammy, and you all thought they were. There have no more repeat steps without hand holding. :( I thought the walking was coming, but I know I have to be patient. The fact that she will walk is a miracle to me, and I do not want to appear ungrateful for what she can do.
You know what's tough though? The first question everyone asks after I tell them how old they are, actual and adjusted, is "so are they walking yet?" No they're not, but do you realize how blessed they are that they most likely will walk? They don't realize it and I don't get into it with the average person. I just smile and say "not yet."

So that's it for now, I'm making this one short. I still don't know what to do about the 100 reader thing, but for now I'm thankful you all are reading this.

I will take new pictures this weekend!


Randi said...

Hi Steph,
I imagine that can get annoying when people ask "So, are they walking yet?"
It annoys the crap out of me when people (random folks I don't even know) ask "So, who is the evil twin?" Uh, they both are... just kidding...
Serena and Edwin are miracles in their own right. Tony didn't walk for a while, so don't let those things bother you. I have a friend whose full term daughter didn't walk until she was 26 months. She is fine developmentally, just didn;t feel like walking until it was on her own terms.
Kids are blessings to our lives! I can't wait to see pictures of the twins!

Mommato4miracles said...

Hopefully this is the last of the ear infections for EJ. Hopefully with spring on its way things will be better, Sammy always does better regarding ear infections in the summer months. Can't wait for new pictures:)

Lori said...

It is SUPER DUPER annoying when people ask that question. Aidan was *just* shy of 18 months adjusted when he started walking. He was not one of those kids who would take 2 steps one day, 3 the next, and build on his skill. He only walked with us if we held a hand. Then, suddenly, one day he turned around from the window sill in our bedroom and walked across and out of our huge master bedroom!

Brandon and I were floored! He went from just NOT doing it, to doing it well.

My MIL made me feel better too when she told me my full term hubby was 18 months when he walked as well.

You have many many months where you are still in the window of 9-18 months adjusted to begin walking. And even if one or both doesn't hit the mark, it doesn't mean it won't happen. I know a lady through MOD whose 6 year old preemie girl starting walking at 24months adjusted and is just fine.

I remember feeling defensive. I was super quick to point out the walking window was HUGE. And to one snarky mom at Gymboree who said to me, "Oh, such a big boy...and NOT walking yet?"

I was seething. I said, "Well, he is 15 months old by his due date. You see, he was born 12 weeks early and for a few days we were not even sure he would live. I think he's doing great, don't you?"

Keep the faith, Steph. It WILL happen. Remember, our kiddos don't read our copies of the developmental milestone charts. :-)

Nathali said...

Sorry Stephanie, but I just asked that question to my friend who has a full term 1 year old. I guess it is a natural progression for children to walk when they are about a year old. I get the same questions about Michael all the time. He is almost 9 months adjusted and doesn't sit yet, doesn't really roll around yet, but he DOES so many other things really well. So we just keep working with him and I am sure these miracle babies will catch up eventually!!!!

Kellars Mommy said...

Kellar did this, he was taking a few steps, like from one couch to the other and then he just STOPPED..I of course was freaking out thinking that all he had in him was 3 steps or so..he got to where he would turn loose and then drop and crawl..He did this for awhile, then one day I was like look buddy, you are going to start walking..everytime he would drop to crawl, I would stand him up and say walk, this went on for maybe a day and now he is a walking machine..i used to HATE when people would ask me how old he was and then the is he walking yet would follow, but what really got my blood boiling was the look on their faces when i told them he wasn't walking yet..