Saturday, March 29, 2008

Serena is....

Officially taking 10-15 steps toward us unassisted!!!! She went from taking a step or two to all these steps just today!!! I guess it was a present for Daddy for his big win in NY last night!
We are continuing to try and get her to walk further and further distances toward us and is doing amazing!!!
I have it on video but for some reason on my lap top I don't have video capability...maybe I need to redownload the driver...but I'll try and upload it tomorrow if we stop at my mom's!
Sooo proud of my toddling toddler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sarah said...

YAY SERENA!! I'm so excited :)

Oh, and congrats to Edwin, Sr. too! What a good present for him.

You'll be in shape like Edwin once EJ gets moving around and you have to keep up with 2 busy toddlers lol.

abby said...

Woo hoo! What a great milestone!

Judith and Jason said...

OMG! That's so great! You go girl!

Jennifer said...

ya! :) Can't wait to see the video :)

Kellars Mommy said...

Way to go Serena!!!!

23 weekers said...

I'm so excited for Serena! What a hard little worker.

Jamie and Jill said...

You go girl!!!!

Can't wait to see her in action.

abby said...

Hi Stephanie!

I just tagged you; you're it! Check our blog for details...


Nathali said...

That is such a great present for her daddy. You guys are all doing so great!!! I am so happy for you!!

Vicky said...

Congratulations on the walking, Serena!

She's quicker off the mark than my younger boy born at 36 weeks (so not preemie but a bit floppy) who didn't get going till he was about 16 or 17 months old!