Saturday, May 10, 2008

A little Serena

(It's easier to get pics of E, S is always so busy, and I'm too busy running after her sometimes!)

We've been focusing a lot on Edwin lately,(who has since decided he can walk with his push toy (not with terrific finesse, but can do it), will sit up to play (on his own it will be "w" sitting but oh well he's upright playing without standing), and crawling on all fours more and more. Getting ready to show PT we're ready to try the walker are we Mr. E?
But with so much focus on E, I feel like Serena is being left out, and trust me, if she was writing this it would be ALL about her.
Serena has an unbelievably dominant personality. She is sooo tough, and a little violent. So there IS a boxing gene!!! But in all seriousness, you get in her way, or she doesn't get hers, there will be hitting.
She had no problem taking toys away from her full term 19 month old cousin. While Ashley cried and whined for the toys back, Serena sat there with a smug look, and kept right on playing...Ashley was no match for Serena in pulling, and she won "tug of war with the toys" every time. She also batted Ashley a couple of times before I could stop her when Ashley tried to take the toy she was playing with away. Poor E has mostly learned his lesson and quickly retreats and finds something else to do should Serena become interested in what he has, or should he dare to try and take her toy. It was kind of comical, here were the two girls cat fighting, and Edwin was off in the other corner of the room minding his own business.

Serena is also walking now...officially, everywhere. It is so cute to see her. I am very proud of her walking, and encourage her to walk as opposed to crawl or knee walk, things she still does from time to time.
She also talks a lot. She "talks" in her own language (which I believe in Asian in origin) with differing tone like a conversation. She also says real words, and mimics words I tell her to say, which don't always result in repetition on her own, but she will catch on when we repeat and repeat. She knows the meaning of the words "hi" and "bye bye", her favorites. If you're getting on your shoes, or grab keys, she says "bye bye" and heads for the door. If the baby doll is around she will get a bottle a feed it without me telling her to now. (I know this is about S but E also knows to feed the baby on command.)
We just bought them a play kitchen today, and she thinks it's the greatest. She puts things in and out, and even though we just got it today, within seconds she had her shovel in the pail (which were being stored in her oven) and was stirring her cooking creation. I have never taught her that or played that with her before. It was pretty cool!
So she is growing up super fast and really amazes me more each day. She is precocious, daring, observant, and sometimes bratty. She is A LOT like me!!! (minus the daring part...that's ALL Daddy.)
She's starting other toddler behavior like throwing her food on the floor when she is done, throwing herself on the floor when she is upset, looking over sneakily when she is about to do something she knows she shouldn't be. How can you not laugh at that face?!
Oh, and she has learned to climb on the couch. yikes!

Pretend play in full effect!

Who needs bottles when we could be vacuuming?

I can too!

And in true Serena fashion, we will skip the walking and get right to "speed walking" so we can get to the vacuum Edwin is playing with quicker. Notice how E quickly retreats! lol!

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