Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Video of Edwin highlighting his tone

It's a little lengthy, but I wanted to show as much as I could so you can see what I am talking about when I describe his tone.


Emily said...

It would have driven me crazy having twins with one doing so much better developmentally! It's more than I can handle to see Dakota next to her micro preemie counterparts on most days.

I definitely see what you're talking about with his low tone but honestly I was really impressed that he can do so much and is already pulling up so well and cruising! Dakota's feet did and still do turn out just like that and her PT said it was very normal and just their way of compensating for poor balance. Sometimes her feet would actually point backwards which was freaky!

Does your PT have you doing a lot of work on the ball and exercises to work his abs? I hope the ortho appointment is helpful and that you are happy with what she/he has to say.

Kellars Mommy said...

Maybe I am just not sure what to look for but I think he looks like he is doing well! I noticed that when he pulled to stand you commented *right foot*, Kellar did this as well, he didn't do it everytime but I feel safe in saying that the majority of the time when he pulled to stand he favored one leg. He does crawl correctly some and my my how fast he is, Kellar started his crawling out by army crawling, but only using one side of his body to do the dragging, eventually like months later he went on to correctly crawl but it wasn't without first causing me a few gray hairs that's for sure! Kellar just stood here with his head layed over in my lap and watched the whole video!! Keep us updated on the appt and how it goes...