It also doesn't help that E's teeth have been bothering him. All molars are coming in and Serena has almost both sets of her molars working their way through. Speaking of teeth, they went to the dentist for the first time this week and all was fine. They got fluoride coating on their teeth and we go back next year. Pretty easy. The dentist was the second person to remind me they should be off the bottle by now. I know that, but it's easier said than done people!!!!
Anyway, all else is well. Awaiting the DAFOs for E, hearing more words from Serena, including "gramma", and swimming and hippotherapy this weekend.
Daddy has a fight the 22nd and we're excited. They also aired a documentary (not the main one I talked about) but a local one on Edwin and our family. It came out really nice.
We had a nice visit in Maine, but didn't get to spend nearly enough time with my sis who is a police officer. But she'll be down for the twins' 2nd birthday, which is only 2 months away!!!!
Here are pics from Maine

My kids hate the sippy too. They have the bottle in the am, and then sippys all day long of water/ diluted juice. At night, they get their final bottle of milk.
Tony is actually okay with the sippy, but Nate screams if I offer it to him in the morning. To him, milk= bottle and he's like, "Get that thing away from me!" If I tell him it is juice in the sippy in the am, he is suddenly okay with it.
I am also sick of people telling me that they shoudl be off the bottle by now. I knwo it will come and I'm doing everything I can. It is frustrating, but just think, it is not like our kids will still be sucking on bottles when they graduate from high school!
Mine might! LOL!!!!
Kellar loves a sippy cup, but...he will not drink his milk from one. I too have been told by the dentist that Kellar needs to be off the bottle, duhhh as if I didn't know that but...but..that is his comfort at night, he wants his bottle and the way I look at it is if he wants his bottle by golly I am his mother and if I'm ok with him having it then so be it. I still say that after what our little ones have been through if a bottle is what they want, then a bottle is what they get. If I don't give him a milk bottle for bedtime he doesn't drink milk throughout the day, sure he eats cheese and stuff that has dairy in it but I think he needs milk!
Bryce doesn't like sippy cups either, He throws them at me, but the one sippy he will use is one made by NUK, it has a "nipple" for the mouth piece, where its soft and rubbery like a bottle bu in the shape of a sippy cup. He will ONLY use that one. Its called the NUK orthodontic cup. I think it was 7 dollars but hey if he'll use it.... then he gets bubbas at nught and nap. I agree with Kellars mommy, with all they've been through if a bubba is what they want a bubba is what they get!
Here's my assvice for the day. Have you tried using the straw cups with them instead of the sippy cups? Caitlyn couldnt figure out the sippy cup if her life depended on it. She either couldn't get anything out of it or it would spill all over her. I brought home the straw cups and she was a pro. Plus straws are good for oral moor skills ;)
I got rid of the bottles cold turkey. Just put them all in a box and in the basement so that I wouldn't be tempted to give in and just give her one. That being said, Caitlyn was easy to transition on most things.
I am with Nancy. My son had no idea what to do with a sippy I tried all kinds for a week then got him a straw cup and voila it took a day and no more bottles ever since.
For us, one day the sippy just clicked. Maybe they aren't ready...? Hang in there!
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