Saturday, November 8, 2008

Standing unassisted???? **Edited AGAIN with pictures and video**

*Check out video...last night blogger was messing up and I couldn't view the video...I uploaded one of our attempts where he didn't stand by mistake. Below is the actual standing success!*
Edwin stood unassisted for 5 seconds last night 3 different times!!!!! This may seem like a small feat for a two year old, but it was amazing to us! Edwin, Sr and I were nearly in tears. He did it once without his AFOs and the other times with them.
I will try and get a picture today!
He is getting so much stronger!!!!!
Maybe he will be walking better in his walker with this increased strength and confidence!
Tubby with Daddy (he has shorts on :) )

Curly Q

Check out Edwin's hair cut!

Edwin video taped this...I don't know how to fix the angle, but check it out!
The last video I uploaded was not the one where he stood. Here is the correct one!


Randi said...

Wow, Stephanie. That is awesome. Edwin Jr. is trying so hard and is going very well.
How did Florida go?

Sarah said...

YAY Edwin, Jr.!!!

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

WAY to go Edwin Jr!! He's making great progress, what a fighter!

Melissa said...

Holy moly, Edwin! You are a rock star! 5 seconds is huge!!! I remember the moment that Riley first stood unassisted (for like 2 seconds!) and it was like the world opening up. You are on your way now, kiddo!!!

Nancy said...

That is so so so cool Stephanie! Give Edwin a big ol' high five from his friends in Chicago ;)