Saturday, January 24, 2009

Quick update

I have been soo bad about posting...especially pictures. Sorry. Things have been so busy lately. We are in the process of buying our first home. It's too annoying and long to write about now, but I've fallen in love with a bank owned and it's taking FOREVER to get the bank to give us an answer. Hopefully by this coming week.

Friday we will see the neurologist for Edwin. At officially 2 years old corrected for prematurity, his low tone has not disappeared, therefore pointing to something other than transient dystonia...nothing I was suprised about of course. We'll see if they change the dx..I'm pretty certain he will.

I signed the paper work for the public school to begin the transition process. Edwin will certainly qualify for special ed, and we are in the process of ordering his own equipment...a walker of his own, possibly a special chair for school (Riffon sp?). They are not sure if Serena will qualify for special ed, there will be a complete assessment on them both next week. She can remain in EI based on her paralyzed vocal cord, but we will have to wait for the public school's assessment before we now if she qualifies for Special Ed. As of the brief testing they did this past week she is not delayed. But I think she will still test delayed, especially her speech and some issues with balance...she still can't climb up of down steps, but we are working on it.

They have been very happy and healthy (knock on wood) and they seem to growing up before our eyes.

I guess we've been having so much fun we haven't had much time for blogging, but I will upload pictures soon.

And hopefully we will her about our house soon!!!!!!


Mommato4miracles said...

Life is always exciting huh? Hoping and praying that everything with the house comes through quickly and you are able to move quickly. Can't wait to see new pics, they are growing so fast. Maybe we can get together sometime soon.

Nancy said...

Not blogging because you are having too much fun is a perfectly acceptable reason! Hope you hear something about the new house soon. And whether or not you are purchasing a house that is bank owned, or from another party, it is always a slow grueling and painful experience LOL I can't wait to see pictures of it though!

As for Serena not qualifying for special ed...Caitlyn did not qualify once she hit three years old either. HOWEVER, she did qualify for the pre-k program funded by the state based on her medical history as well as the fact that she had received speech and physical therapies. So make sure that you look into that as well. It's basically a program for children who are considered to be at-risk of developing learning issues. Although here in Illinois, it doesn't start until 4 years old, but that may be different where you are. But it is something to look into and think about.