Friday, February 29, 2008

I'm MAXED out

Hi all. I mentioned this on a comment, but I really need some help so I'm dedicated this post to it.
I don't know how to add more than 100 readers to my now private blog!
I have a list of people who want to read and I can't add them because it says I can only have 100. I've tried to go into settings, but I can't find where I can change it.
Can anyone help me?!?!?


Nancy said...

:( No can do unfortunately. Although it seems that this is a fairly common complaint by the looks of some of the comments.

Sian said...

This is a wacky suggestion... and there's probably a reason that it wouldn't work, but could you create a separate google account (call in "Serena & Edwin's online friends" or something) and give that account access. Then tell people that accounts log in details.

The only major drawback I can think of is it would mean that when people posted comments they would all be from the same person so you would have insist that people sign-off comments with a link to their real Blogger profile, but at least in would mean that you could give access to more people.

You would also have to take peoples word that they would keep the log in details to themselves and no one would be malicious and change the password... but I'm 99.9% of your readers would follow the rules so you could sort out your access issues. You could leave the more important people (yours and Edwin's family, your in real life friends) with their own account access. And then if someone did start being malicious you could remove the new account and try to think of something else.

I hope Blogger changes their policy!!!


PS - Glad you guys are on the mend.

liz.mccarthy said...

Thank you for letting me be one of your esteemed 100!