Over the past couple of weeks Edwin has been doing MUCH better with his walker. I have also not written much about his DAFOs, but he is finally used to these and does much better with his walker and with independent standing for a few seconds with them. He needs them for support and balance, and it's almost like their weight give him more body awareness...if that makes any sense.
Saturday was the twin's cousin's 2nd birthday (the one born at 29 weeks...came up to the NICU the week we were finally taking our twins home..She is developing typically and does not have health issues either...thank goodness.) Her birthday was at McDonalds. I was nervous about this because of germs, and because I didn't want Edwin crawling on the dirty floor, but also didn't want him to be held the entire time and feel left out. I decided we were definitely bringing his walker and he was going to use it. Edwin said no at first, I'm not really sure why, but sometimes I wonder how he feels about Edwin's motor issues...I don't know maybe I'm looking into this too much. Maybe he just felt it would be inconvient. I didn't give him time to explain, I told him we were bringing it.
It was AMAZING. Edwin did sooo well. He walked in his walker the ENTIRE time, and only tried to crawl 2-3 times and we were able to encourage him to stand back up and continue walking is his walker. He steered completely on his own, and even went quickly when excited. He was smiling ear to ear and was so proud. I'm so mad at myself for forgetting the camera (we were running late since Serena was napping.)
He was afraid of the play place and went into a tunnel with me once, but gripped me around my neck tightly and didn't want to go unless I held him, which was pretty impossible...plus I was a little freaked out by the tunnel..lol. But he was perfectly content whipping around in his walker. I was so proud I nearly cried.
Many people stared, especially other kids. Some kids tried to grab the walker away from him, but I was there to tell them it was his and he needed it. Some of Edwin's family was confused as to why he had it and asked me. Edwin has never explained to his family why Edwin doesn't walk or talk for that matter, and didn't share what we were told by the neurologist. He says he doesn't know how to translate or explain it to them. Again, I'm not really sure why he hasn't told them. I just said, "he needs it to walk." I figure it's his responsibility to explain it to them, and I wish he would. They probably think he can't walk because I hold him too much or something ridiculous because they literally didn't make the connection even seeing him in his walker with his precious legs going all over the place.
On that note, I don't know how I feel about adults staring at my son in his walker. I like when people look and smile or make an encouraging comment to him, but staring and then walking away kind of irratates me even though I completely understand that they're curious and not doing anything malicious. I guess it's something to get used to.
Anyway, my little guy is doing so well with his walker and he is voluntarily going for it now and wants to be upright most of the time. I feel so much better about taking the walker out in public (nervous before because he'd get down and crawl every few steps and the ground is dirty in public.) But he is staying upright and WALKING to his desired destination!
His language and social skills are also taking off with being upright. He is asking for his bottle consistently and calling for me appropriately...not just babbling. He is giggling ALL the time, and smiling much more. He is maturing leaps and bounds with his increased ability to move about.
As for my baby girl, Serena is the funniest, cutest, most lovable little girl in the world! She is sooo amazingly funny, curious, and sassy...I just love her to pieces. At the party she was very shy at first and then warmed up and played with the other kids, gave them hugs, and patted them on the back and said "it's ok" when one cried. She also climbed all through the play place and came down the slide. She was so tired by the time she came home that after her tubby and jammies she said "up" snuggled her head into my neck and said "nuh night." It was adorable! She also says "Wah Woooh" which means "Love you!" She is talking in 2-3 words phrases now, and breaks out in song at times. Today she was in her highchair eating and started doing (song and motions)the "swish swish swish" from wheels on the bus! She calls Edwin "Aunee" and it's soo funny. She will name everyone in a picture or when pointing to them, but won't say herself...it's pretty funny. We went to Papa Ginos and she had her own plate of pizza and was taking bites of big pieces and saying "mmmmmm it's good." I swear if we had a video on her 24/7 it would make great reality TV. I haven't tried the potty recently because she cried and got nervous last time. I think I'm going to get a potty for the big potty and she'll probably like that better.
Serena is also OBSESSED with her blankie, whom she calls "Kee Kee." She wants it at breakfast, when she's tired, in the car, and of course at night. She totes it around like Lynus. It's adorable. (I still sleep with mine so she gets that from me....ssshhhh!)
Today we went to the indoor zoo and Edwin forgot my camera!!!! I stayed in the car with the kids and he was suppose to run up and get it while putting the groceries away, and he ended up forgetting it.
Anyway, they went on some rides. Serena was terrified and cried, but Edwin loved it and was steering his wheel on the car as they went round and round. I was surprised because he's usually my sensitive guy and Serena's a toughie. It was fun to watch them. They are growing up so fast!
Oh my goodness, I am chuckling out loud over Serena! What a doll! The boys say "wuh woo" to everythign as well. We saw some cows todaya and as we were driving away, they were both yelling "WUH WOO COW!" So funny.
Speaking of play spaces, Nate is terrified of the play space at McDonalds. We don't go often, have only been once, but the only thing Nate seems to like is the french fries there.
Edwin is doing INCREDIBLY! I would have cried if I saw him at the playspace doing so well at walking. I cry at Mary Poppins "Feed the Birds," so yeah, definitely!
How is Edwin doing with his signs? I think I am going to start Michael on it too.
Where Michael goes for Rehab services, about 60% of the kids walk with walkers. Maybe it would be good for Edwin to go somewhere where he can see other kids with walkers too, so that he doesn't feel so 'different'. Just an idea...
Your kids are just amazing. I can't believe how big they are already!!!! It goes way too fast!!
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