Monday, January 15, 2007

Getting closer to DISCHARGE!!!

Everything is going so well! It is soo nice to finally be able to say that.
To start with, the Dr came to check their eyes, and both twins eyes look very good. The Dr does not expect there to be any more laser needed at all. Recheck in 2 weeks.
The twins were therefore cleared to go to 100% on their oxygen because their eys are fine. This is what they will have to be on at home so they put them up to 100% now to prepare for home. They are doing soo well. NO DESATS!!!
Speaking of HOME...Edwin and Serena are basically ready. They take all of their feeds PO (by mouth) and have been steadily gaining weight! They weigh around 4 pounds 5 ounces each! We have a meeting with their pulmonologist Thursday, oxygen equipment and monitor training the 23rd, and CPR training on the 24th. After all of that is complete they will have to pass their car seat tests and can come home. They will make sure the private duty nursing is all ready tp begin. The tentative number of hours that should be approved is 70-80 a week!!! I will have a lot of help from a nurse which will be good and definitely reassuring for us. Not only are they are first, they are also twins, and they are preemies, and home on oxygen. Definitely going to be a lot of work but sooooo worth it.
I'll tell you more about what we have been up to lately. Edwin and I are at the hospital all day minus the during the week when I have to work for 4-5 hours a day and Edwin trains. While at the hospital we feed the babies (I usually switch off nursing one one feed and the other the next feeding.) They are able to eat as much as they want when they want, but are not allowed to go more than 4 hours without eating. Their minimum per feed is 45 ml, but they both take more...usually about 50-60 per feed.
Now more about the babies themselves. Serena is soooo beautiful. She has been awake so much lately and is so interactive. She has bright eyes that sparkle every time she looks at you. She makes eye contact, holds different objects, and loves to suck on her pacifier, bottle, or mommy. She has dark brown hair, those newborn grey colored eyes, and an incredibly beautiful tan complexion. She has chubby cheecks and now has chubby legs and arms.
Edwin is such a cutie. He has been interactive just like his sister often staying awake for longer periods just looking around taking everything in. He is a great eater (he takes more than Serena from the bottle.) He also makes eye contact with us. Edwin has golden colored hair. It is such a nice color...almost angelic in appearance. He also has grey colored eyes, that seem like they will be brown. He has loooooooong eyelashes that every nurse comments on. He has very light colored skin and rosy cheeks. He is chubby like sister.
I can't even describe how far the twins have come. It is so amazing to see them eating, looking around, crying when hungry, pooping, and doing everything else other babies do. They respond to my voice and they love to be held and cuddled. I am so happy and so thankful everytime I look at them. I am so anxious to have them home.
I have been hearing about other babies in the NICU that are not doing well at all. Some may not make it even a few more days. My heart and prayers go out to the families of all sick babies and I only wish every family could take their baby home. I will never forget how blessed I am, and no matter what happens, I will always be so greatful that my 23 weekers survived.
I will let you all know when the twins should be home. I will talk to the new attedning Dr tomorrow and find out her plan. We are going to push to have them home has been a long time coming....


Lathan, Lauren, Logan, London said...

WOW!!! I just read your entire blog and I must say you have two very strong babies (& you seem pretty strong yourself!) Congrats on your NICU time possibly coming to an end here in these next few days. It is an amazing feeling to finally have your babies home...all to yourself!!!

Lathan, Lauren, Logan, London said...

Did you know that your profile has your twins weights as over 3 lbs each? I was thinking they would have been pretty big 23 weekers if that was true (mine were "large for their age" 28 weekers and weren't even that big!)and then I saw in your post that they were each barely over one pound. Just wanted to let you know!!!

Miracles said...

So great to hear their on their way to coming home. I remember the feeling like it was yesterday.