Sunday, November 18, 2007

Edwin sitting and crawling

Since my mom has been here helping with Edwin and Serena while Daddy has been in Colorado boxing, I have been able to capture some exciting moments on video. I posted Serena saying "ma ma" last night, and today here is Edwin practicing his sitting and getting on his knees to inch worm. As I posted the other day, he has been sitting for much longer periods...up to one minute without any repositioning, but here he was too interested in Grammy so he kept trying to turn around. The best way to get his to sit for long periods is for me to sit behind his to position him (I have a good feel for where his hands need to be for the best support) and for someone to sit in front of him and sing to him. Holding a toy will only cause him to take his hands off of the floor which causes him to lose balance. But here I was videotaping so he was a little more distracted and trying to turn around since I wasn't entertaining him enough. Anyway, you'll get the idea of what he's doing when you watch it. If you watched the video of him "crawling" a couple of weeks ago, you will see the progress he is making as he is now getting up on his knees more. In the second part of the video you'll see he does more rocking on his knees and forearms, (he is still resting on his forearms most of the time." You'll also see that he is saying "mmmmmm" but still no "ma ma."
I'm so thankful I have this video camera to capture all of these things.
These kids have come a LONG way from this time last year and I am sooo proud!


Miracles said...


Mamma_of _five said...

Great Job edwin ! sooo cute!

Randi said...

He is doing so great Steph! You must be so proud!!