Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Healing thoughts please

My little guy is sick. It started with a runny nose yesterday morning and has turned into congestion, mucous build up, vomiting, slight fever, and unrelenting (last night) coughing. Post nasal drip really bothers my Edwin and it causes him to throw up a lot. He gets coughing and coughing and out it comes...and he was eating sooo well before yesterday.
So we're off to the pulmonologist at noon and back to trying neb treatments, 2 puffs of Flovent, Tylenol for the fever, and up to 300ccs of O2...we were on 150... :( Healing thoughts for Edwin and Serena (they love each other and it's tough to keep one healthy when the other is sick) and pray we do not land in the PICU and this is just a cold that will pass.
We have his RSV shot the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and of course plans for Thanksgiving. We want a healthy family this year, last year we didn't celebrate any holidays because they were in such critical condition.

Oh how I wish they didn' get sick so easily and I wish it didn't hit them as hard.

***Update***No puke since breakfast, which means he held down lunch, dinner, and the bottles and snacks in between. He's in bed now and I am hoping he doesn't have post nasal drip that gets him coughing/gagging/puking. I'm keeping him on 300ccs and his sats are 97 and above. I'll wean him back down to 150 if he appears better in a few days. Bad news is we had to cancel PT this morning, but EI comes Friday so we can do more then. Yesterday he was on his hands and knees (I think still resting on at least one forearm though) and stayed in that position for 5-10 seconds. This was AMAZING to me and I almost cried a little. I hope this sickness isn't a huge setback development, strength, and O2 wise. Keep the healing thoughts coming our way!

Oh yeah, and he weighed 18 2.2 today and was 29" long...and this is after he puked three times last night and all of his breakfast this am.


Jennifer said...

Poor little guy - I hope this turns out to be a quick thing and everyone else remains healthy :)

Nathali said...

Hope he will feel better soon!!! Have you ever thought of sending a request to 'thelightofhealing.blogspot.com? I really think they helped Michael through his NICU time...

hallegracesmama said...

I am sorry that he is not feeling better. Halle gets the same way when she gets a snotty nose. Hopefully it will clear up soon and he can keep getting up on those hands and knees!!


abby said...

I hope the worst has passed by now and that EJ is back to his rocking (on his hands and knees, that is) self. It sounds like all things considered he's weathering things pretty well and hopefully Serena has escaped whatever crud he has and that the whole family is doing ok...

abby said...

Hi Stephanie,

I hope things are better...cause I just tagged you for a meme. Toodle over to my blog to get the details!

Sarah Furlough said...

Steph: Hope things are going better today. I am keeping your little guy in my thoughts and prayers!