Thursday, February 28, 2008

On the mend?

I am going to slap myself if I just jinxed this. But since I know you have sent healing thoughts, I figured it would be nice if I thanked you for it.
Yesterday S only needed one neb treatment in the am...she didn't wheeze all day, the same was true for today. She did not need O2 at all while awake, and only needed between 100-200ccs while asleep, her norm. Her cough is MUCH better, and she ate well for breakfast and lunch today.
EJ did not have a fever yesterday or today, and was on his usual 100ccs of O2 minus the 3 hours off a day., and he did fine with both today and yesterday (he still has another hour to do today but I'm sure he'll do fine.)
I think I feel worse than the kids do, and I have the healthy lungs...go figure. But maybe this was just a quick respiratory cold. I've never heard of one this quick, but hey I'm not complaining! Keep those healing thoughts coming, we might get through this one this easily!


Emily said...

I hope you guys truly are on the mend, that'd be awesome!

Mommato4miracles said...

We are continueing to think of you guys and pray for you all. (Especially since I have nothing else to do:))