Friday, February 15, 2008

Weight update, Edwin's new word, and other stuff

We have a weight gain! Both S&E have gained a POUND since last month.
Serena weighs 20 lbs 2 1/2 oz!!! She is 29 1/8th inches long. Edwin weighs 20 lbs 12 oz!!! He is 30 3/8th inches long! I am thrilled with their weight gain, and hope they continue this trend. They had Synagis shots today and that's when we got their weights. They saw the pulmonologist Tuesday and we got the ok to take Edwin off O2 1 hour 3x a day now! We do this for 2 weeks, then off an additional hour for two more weeks, another hour off, etc. This is good progress for EJ and I finally see the light at the end of the O2 tunnel. While on O2 he is only at 100ccs still, and his sats are 98-99 consistently. His lungs are finally healing and growing strong!

And Mister Edwin has a new word which he said first on Wednesday...and it is..."MAMA!" And other variations, like "ma maum" and "maauuum." I am sooo excited, and he since he first said it Wed he says it 100000000 times a day. He also knows that I am "mama" and calls for me often. Sometimes when he's whiny it comes out "nana" and Serena says that too. It's very sweet, and I'm so proud that FINALLY both my kiddos say "mama." What a sweet Valentine's Day present.
Now if only Serena would have walked it would have been even cooler! She is too funny. She is super cautious about standing unassisted, and although is very proud of herself when she does it and is able to bend down and stand back up again, the idea of taking steps still freaks her out. She thinks about it, may take a half step, and then realizes it is much safer to bend down to a crawl and keep it on all fours. So she's close, and maybe she'll surprise us, but I think it's still weeks away before she takes off. This doesn't mean my baby girl isn't busy...because she is. She's into everything! She is super curious and inquisitive. One of my favorite things she does is tilt her head to try and see her brother if he is around a corner or partially blocked by someone. It's really funny to watch.
Anyway, if you haven't already check out the pictures from last night. They're some of my favorites of them lately. I especially love the one where Edwin is about to get out of sitting into a crawl with the sweet smile, and Serena's big smile while standing on Grammy's lap!
Like Jenn said in her comment on that post, they are getting SO big and are looking quite grown up! And trust me, they are acting quite "grown up" lately as well. I definitely have two playful, curious, sometimes trouble-making toddlers on my hands...and I couldn't be prouder and happier!!!


Sarah said...

Finally an update! I've been waiting to answer your question over here lol!

I absolutely love the pictures. Go Edwin for coming of O2 more. Do you get to 3 hours in a row or just 1 hour at a time, three separate times a day?

To answer your question, yes, I am noticing a delay in his gross motor skills, and I also noted a delay in cognitive development because of it. He needs me to do quite a bit for him still, and because he is often physically unable to do things he simply expects me to do it. He has a pincer grasp but does need both hands to bring food to his mouth. He will also take the spoon with both hands and put it to his mouth to eat (or to refuse).

Oh, and they are so big! They are both doing so great!

23wktwinsmommy said...

It's suppose to be 3 separate hours off, but if he's wide awake and satting well I'll do 2 hours straight and he has done fine. In fact, we are only going this slow because 1.) he has a history of pulmonary hypertension and 2.) it's still RSV season. I think he would actually do well without O2 for the majority of the day. He's on less than 1/8th of a liter when on O2 which is just barely a whiff. I know you know how excited we are about O2 need going down! (I'm posting this on yours too but included it here in case anyone else had the same question you did!)

23 weekers said...

I love reading your posts. It gives me so much hope. Your babies remind me so much of mine.

Thank you for sharing.


abby said...

Great update! And great word! And great nearly walking for Serena and O2-weaning for Edwin. What thoughtful kids to be so celebratory on Valentine's Day.

Nathali said...

OMG the pictures are soooo cute!!! Congrats on the progress on the O2!! What a major milestone!!! You are right, there is light at the end of the tunnel!!! We are weaning Michael off the diuretics, hope you will be able to do the same for EJ soon!! And Serena is just a big role model for all preemie children!!!