Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Simple answer to why I'm thankful for neonatology...

Because they helped make this twins sitting together eating cinnamon toast crunch and watching Sesame Street. Sometimes, it's these simple things that mean so much!

Please feel free to continue to share your NICU impressions and opinion of neonatologists' motivation to save extremely preterm infants. I think it's a very valuable conversation.

1 comment:

Mommato4miracles said...

Oh Steph, they look so good. Plese give them tons of kisses from me. I know our experience isn;t really what you are looking for as far as NICU, but from what we saw while we were there, with some micropreemies, the neonatologists were wonderful and honest and do care. How could they do what they do if they didn't? Even this past week being at 30wks when they came and spoke with us about delivery, they were kind and compassionate, and knowledgeable and able to answer questions, and explain most likely course of action. Of course a 30wker is a totally different story than 23, but again I think they are wonderful and do wonderful amazing things. I know, I know these beautiful twins named Serena and Edwin:)