Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I'm IT!

I've been tagged by Lisa to post eight random facts about myself. ( I still don't know how to make her name a link...William and Margaret's Mom. http://monkeyhead1024.blogspot.com)

I have to post these rules before I give you the facts:

Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

1.) The first time I hung out with Edwin one-on-one we watched movies at my house. It was love right away. He went away for a week for boxing the next day and we talked every day he was gone. When he came back we made it official and began a serious relationship from that point on.

2.) My paternal great grandparents came to America from Malta, a tiny island off the coast of Sicily. Their names are on the wall in Ellis Island in New York City. So I'm Maltese...cool.

3.) In eigth grade, my superlatives were biggest mouth and cutest sneeze. lol.

4.) I graduated in the top 10% of my class in college.

5.) I wiggle my toes unconsciously when I'm about to fall asleep or very relaxed.

6.) I can cross my legs like a pretzel and walk on my knees in that position.

7.) I could eat spaghetti every day of the week. But I only like certain sauce and I don't put much sauce on my spaghetti, but I do melt American cheese on it and sprinkle parmesian cheese on it....yum.

8.) I'm allergic to nickel, so jewlery I wear has to be nickel-free or I break out in a terrible rash.

I don't know 8 people to tag, so I'm kinda breaking the rules.

1.) Danielle
2.) Erika
3.) Nathali
4.) Aiden's Mommy
5.) Jill (Miracle boy)
6.) Steph (Guinn Triplets)

If you've already been tagged sorry. For the other 2 I couldn't think to tag, if you're reading this and haven't been tagged yet...consider yourself tagged! Make sure you tell me if you did it so I can read!


Mommato4miracles said...

I don't know anyone else who writes a blog:) Sorry! I liked reading yours though. I love all the recent pics!!! THey are so precious

Malena said...

Okay. Wow! I'm a toe wiggler too! ;) And I have preemies. Not micro like yours, mine are 28 weekers, and triplets! :)
Plus, I can eat pasta all the time too. If my husband allowed it we would save soooo much money!
Your kids are super cute! I've been reading your blog since this winter when I was up at odd hours of the night. Take care!

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't mind that I add a link to your page on my new blog about my 24 weeker Lincoln. Let me know if that's a problem. I have loved reading yours!