Thursday, December 27, 2007

Uh oh...we're sick

Ughhhh...after a wonderful holiday, EJ and I are fighting a nasty cold. My poor man has spent the last 2 nights in bed with us and has had a fever, coughing, boogies, and just not feeling well. He has been super whiney which is so NOT him and has diffculty getting comfortable when falling asleep. We tried a neb treatment last night which usually doesn't help but it really cleared up his coughing and he slept better last night, although his fever came back during the night and I had to give him another dose of Motrin and Tylenol plus a cool cloth to bring it down. Serena has some boogies but not much and thankfully no fever and is her lively self. Edwin is eating pretty well thankfully and drinking his bottles...we're lucky he still eats well when sick. He has thrown up only twice and it was mostly boogers from the post nasal drip. We are not trying steroids yet, and hope to get through this without them, although we'll see how that goes. He is only at 250ccs, which isn't a huge increase since he is norally at 100. Of course I'm not doing time off until this passes, so no more cute no cannula pics :(
I realize we are very blessed when it comes to Serena and Edwin. We have avoided many of the very challenging affects of prematurity including oral aversion and other feeding issues. However, one thing I think will haunt us for awhile are respiratory issues, which really scares me. With his fever last night Edwin was breathing so quickly and sounded so crackily in his lungs. With Serena's floppy and narrow airway and the paralyzed vocal cord, her O2 needs can soar with a cold when she sleeps. Edwin just has very scarred lungs and I know even when he is off O2 24/7, we won't say goodbye to it for a looong time when colds hit.
Of course I feel guilty because I blame myself for exposing them to this cold. I think I got it and gave it to them although we seemed to get sick at the exact same time; of course there is no knowing. I want them to have a social life and enjoy family, so completely isolating them from people is not an option, although Maine was an exception, we usually only go to my Mom's, otherwise we're always home. We all wash our hands and do our best, but I work with kids and teens, and as much as I sanitize, got my flu shot, and wash up immediately upon coming home, I'm sure I bring in germs. They can't live in a bubble and I realize we do our best, but the guilt remains. I hate the thought of them struggling to breathe, and I really hope this cold passes quickly.
Otherwise all is well, and even with his cold, my guy sat this morning without bending forward with his hands on the floor. he sat up nice and tall with his hands resting on his thighs. I'm pretty sure I can offcially say he is now sitting, although he needs to work on catching himself when he does lose balance. I am extremely proud of the progress he's made. Serena is her curious lovable self, and seems to be learning things so fast lately. She likes to drop the balls into her toy and put the rings onto the cone toy. She is so snuggily and lovable and follows me around the entire house...I literally can't go to the bathroom without her coming in, pulling to stand on my leg, and hugging it for dear life. It's too cute.
Thankfully my mom watched the kids yesterday and we have a nurse today so I didn't have to take a sick time to stay home with the kids. We're very lucky in that respect, because otherwise I'd probably never have any sick time available. Thankfully I don't work fridays, and I took a vacation day monday, and Tuesday's a Holiday, so I'll have plenty of time to nurse the kids back to health. They consistently cry when I leave the house now though, which is really tough. I'm told they quickly get over it after a few seconds which is good.
Once things calm down at home I'll load and post the pictures from my camera and upload some video clips. Until then, stay healthy fellow preemie kids and preemie parents!


Sarah said...

Stop the preemie mom germ guilt! Kids get sick. You're not doing anything wrong. I understand about the lungs. Just remember, every day they're here is another day they grow and get stronger.

Unknown said...

We had a really rough cold season last year... colds and steroids pretty much non stop from August through April... BUT, this year, we've had only one so far! Both got over it with out any real help (steroids/nebs) So the good news is, the first year is THE WORST! Hang in there!

Kellars Mommy said...

I could write a book about how many times Kellar has gotten sick in the last year..I too was like what have I done, why did I take him to Target now he's sick, but like you said you can't isolate them forever, and really it's almost a no-win situation..Do I keep them in and never expose them to anything, or do I get them out, possible make them sick but yet I'm helping to build their immunity by exposing them? I am still straddling that fence honestly, I do take Kellar out in public but he hasn't been in a daycare since we came home Aug 2006, my mom keeps kids and I would take him to "play" for a bit but once he got sick that was the end of that..It's tough watching them struggling to breathe and feeling so cruddy..Kellar still isn't over his illness and I feel horrible for him..Get well soon Edwin!!!!

Nathali said...

oh, I hope you all feel better soon!!!