Thursday, August 9, 2007

Exciting news...thanks for your support...***EDITED***

Thanks for your support everyone. It is greatly appreciated.
I just wanted to tell you guys that yesterday Serena made her first real attempt at becoming mobile. She scooted herself across the floor while on her belly and for a good 5 minutes she tried desperately to crawl. She made some lunges forward in a military-like crawl, and then pushed herself backward most of the time (I know it's common for them to go backward first.) I was so amazed to see how hard she was working to get on the move.
So then we put Edwin down on his belly...mind you he is developmentally a little behind Serena so I didn't expect him to really go anywhere, but just to do some more tummy time. Well wouldn't you know, he too was trying to army crawl. He was like a little fish out of water, trying to move his arms forward and try and push his feet off of something. When my mom put her hands on his feet...zooom he lunged himself forward. He's done this before, but this time it was so deliberate, and he was moving his arms forward like one would do to crawl. It was so funny.
So when it felt like their development was kind of at a stnad still last month, they have made huge strides lately.
Serena has also learned to blow kisses. Not the cute kind with the hand to the mouth ones of course, but Daddy always purses his lips together and blows kisses to Serena. She gets a HUGE smile every time she is kissed or blown kisses at. The other day while in her high chair attempting to feed her (that's for the next post), Daddy kept blowing her kisses. All of a sudden, she pursed her lips together and blew. It was similar to a raspberry like she has done before but this was different. She was clearly copying what Daddy was doing. This back and forth interaction went on for a good 3-4 minutes. Edwin and I laughed and laughed and she smiled and did her silent laugh (opening her mouth wide and laughing although very little sound comes out...too cute.) She kept doing it later in the night when we had stopped, and has continued to do it a couple of times since. It was so cute,and something I will never forget and tell her about when she is bigger.
In Champ news, on Monday when he awoke, Daddy went in to get him while I was finishing up my shower, and all of a sudden I hear him yell "What's in Edwin's ear? WHy does he have blood in it?" Of course I freaked, and ran over. I looked and his right ear was filled with blood. Meanwhile he is all smiles and cooing away. While Daddy wiped away the blood with a tissue, I called the pedi. We checked to make sure it wasn't a bug bite or a scratch (he scratches himself at night trying to get the tape and cannula off of his face and has scratched his ear before.) It was neither, and the nurse said I could come in an hour. At first I said okay, but his ear continued to bleed slightly so I went right in.
Apparently it is an ear infection. He did not act sick and didn't have a fever (we had a nurse and she worked that night unti 6am and she always takes his temp.) He was acting like nothing was wrong, so had it not been for the blood, I would have had no idea. The ped said it is because he has tubes and the infection drains out without pressure on the ear; the pressure obviously is what causes the pain. She couldn't see his tube in his right ear because of the blood in the ear canal, but said it must be an infection. So, he is on oral medication for 10 days and drops for 5. The blood stopped that day, and now there is just some dry blood still way in his canal that I'm not messing with. I will request to go back to see her after the meds, so she can make sure his tube is still there and that's all set.
That was my first real scare (minus a couple of times when things went wrong with the O2.) Thankfully he is much more stable now that if he was unhooked for a minute he would be able to hold his own for awhile.
Speaking of O2, the update is: Champ is at 400ccs, he will go down by merely 50ccs a month! Slooooow wean because of his pulmonary hypertension. I got the okay to start taking Serena off during nap time, but she hasn't been successful. I am sure it is due to her airway issues and vocal chord (I've been spelling that wrong the whole time....DUH!), so hopefully as she grows bigger it will become less of an issue. She only dips into the high 80s without O2, but as she gets deeper into sleep, she doesn't bring herself right up as she does when she's not in a deep sleep. Anyway, we have a follow-up bronch in 5 months from now so hopefully we will see improvement by then.
This ended up longer than expected, but I a lot is going on with my now big kids! Take care everyone...thanks for all your kind words!

***Updated comments on the "I'm angry post" for anyone interested. The blog author weighed in and I added something too.***


WeeOnesMommy said...

YAY!!! it is the best feeling to see them try so hard to do something and get there... I was so excited when Aiden crawled.. Now I can not stop the child from wanting to go go go.. And he thinks he can stand and walk (and he can"t) but in all due time..

All I can say though is watch out. Once they learn to go, they are all over and you will have one going one way and the other going another way. I could chase Aiden all day and he still has more energy then me.

Mommato4miracles said...

Hey Stephanie,
I am so impressed with Serena today!!! I can't believe it even though I see her so often. And I love that she shared her special kisses with me!!! THanks for you encouraging words about Sammy. What is that site you were talking about with the blogs?

Lori said...


First of all, I think your comments on PE's blog were thoughtful and right on.

And, second of all, your babies are absolutely beautiful. I found your site through your comments at TPE and have been reading back posts. Two very lucky babies!


abby said...

Go, twins, go! Your life will be changed forever once they really take off. I can't wait to see them move, move, move!