Friday, August 31, 2007

Freaked out...EDITED...officially more freaked out

Serena was well on her way to finishing an entire jar of guava this morning, until I discovered something WEIRD in it. Edwin insisted it was only guava skin, but I freaked. I immediately called the company and tried to describe as best I could what the hell it was. I put it in a baggy and refrigerated it and now am waiting until probably Tuesday for them to send me a box which I put the mysterious contents in and wait for the lab to test it and have someone call me to tell me what it was. I am worried, although my baby girl is acting fine, and did not puke or poop yet, and it's been 4 hours.
And this post was suppose to celebrate the fact that she is eating a ton of baby food lately and opening her mouth so well...anyway, after she almost finished the guava she took half a jar of another baby food (that I inspected throughly), so I guess that counts as her eating more than 1 jar of baby food this morning.
I'll update you all on the findings of whatever that was. I'm afraid to even find out.

Happy long weekend!

***Edited*** Ok, I think I was in denial earlier and couldn't bear looking closely at whatever that was. I just looked even closer at it, and took some pictures that didn't come out well, and I am convinced it is not guava skin. I don't know what it is, but it looks SCARY! Thank goodness Serena has been acting fine, and is her usual self, otherwise I would be at the Drs. I figure since we don't know what it is and she hasn't thrown up or had any diarrhea, there is nothing the Dr can do now. But looking at this thing, makes me think this may end up being bigger than I originally anticipated. Even if she is okay, this was found in her baby food...this is unacceptable to say the least...whatever it is.


Jamie and Jill said...

OMG! I would have freaked out too. Hopefully Edwin was right and it was just the skin....better safe than sorry though.

On a happier note.....HOORAY for Serena!

Shannon said...

That just looks gross! What does it feel like???? The pictures aren't too clear but I am glad that you are getting it checked out!

Mommato4miracles said...

That is disgusting!!! I would have panicked!! Hopefully it is nothing maybe it just dried out or something!! Oh I love the pictures on the previous post. They are both doing so phenomenal. Great job!!! I am having Edwin and Serena withdrawal. Hope you had a great weekend

Lisa said...

Okay, that is really gross.

What brand, if you don't mind sharing? I'm not going to buy an guava for a while.... blech!