Sunday, August 5, 2007

Picture post...playing, tummy time, and sitting unassisted (almost)

Here are some pictures I had taken over the past week. When I said I didn't have any, I forgot I did take some but hadn't uploaded them. Here are some cute ones. There are more on my mom's camera of Edwin practicing his sitting too...I'll upload those soon. (he is making HUGE strides in his gross motor, especially with tummy time, head control, and practicing sitting!!) Serena is coming very close to sitting unassisted, and she wants to crawl sooo badly. Both will try their hardest to reach out to toys in front of them, but have yet to catch onto the concept of getting up onto their knees. They continue to amaze me every day with their hard work and determination!

(Champ talking to his teddy (he is ALWAYS talking!)

This toy is the collest

Serena reaching for the moving cup

Hi Mom


Brother, stop crossing your's freaking me out


Hi there

praticing our sitting



Best friends :)

Yeah...I'm awesome I know!

Hi Dad! Look what I learned to do while you were at the baseball game!!!

Dad!!! Look at ME!!!!

Champ calling Grammy

1 comment:

Andrea said...

They are getting SO big! They look fantastic too! I wanted to invite you to join a yahoo group I've started with a friend of mine. It's called ParentBloggers and it's a place for all parents to get information, chat, and vent. I know you've followed Beau's blog for a long time and we'd love to have you join. Take care and they do look fabulous!