Tuesday, January 15, 2008

15 month well visit

Hello everyone.
Yesterday S&E had their 15 month appointment with the pedi.
There was a snow storm here, so we were lucky enough to have my dad who transported with his 4-wheel drive truck. However, it's only a 3 seater, so I went with Serena, he dropped us off, he went back to our house to get EJ who was with our nurse, dropped them off to join me at the pedi's office, by this time Serena was done, so the nurse went back with her, and my dad came back to pick EJ and I up and brought us home. lol. Good thing we live 5 minutes from our pedi's office.
So in weight news I knew it wouldn't be good. We've had an entire month of illness with vomit from both kids.
Serena weighed 19lbs 1.5oz and was 29" long.
EJ was only 19lbs 2oz (he was 19 8 last month) and was 30" long.
I was a little disappointed of course, because I was hoping for 20 pounders by their 12 month adjusted bday, (which is right around the corner) but it's ok. I know they'll gain it back now that they're on the mend.
The pedi's paperwork from the ER said that EJ tested postitive for RSV! I was told in the ER it was negative. I'm not sure if the paperworkwas wrong or if the Dr. was wrong, but either way, thank God for Synagis because without it we surely would have seen the inside of the PICU.
He is feeling much better and is eating better too. We have not seen vomit in 2 days!
Serena had an ear infection, which I expected. She had some oozing from her ear over the weekend, but wasn't in pain and didn't have a fever...(thank God for ear tubes.) Since I knew we were seeing the pedi Monday, I didn't bother doing anything since our pedi's offcie isn't opened on the weekends. So she has an infection in her left ear and is on antibiotics and ear drops. Unfortunately EJ's tubes have both fallen out which means if he gets an infection it won't be as easy as it's been since they've had tubes. They got tubes in July for fluid build up and EJ has had one infection since then (I knew because I saw blood coming out of his ear) and this one for Serena (which I only knew about because of the discharge from her ear.) They have never experienced pain or a fever with their infections, and don't look forward to that.
In other news, EJ is continuing to impress us with getting on all fours many times per day, and although he still belly crawls to get places, he will get up on all fours a lot and balance there for quite some time. He is also pulling up to his knees on his activity tables, and is close to making it to a standing position from there.
Serena is enjoying being a toddler, and although she hasn't stood unassisted since Christmas (could be the cold and ear infection affecting her balance), she has shown growth in other ways. Yesterday she said "buh bye" as clear as day while waving her hand. She is waving more and more consistently when prompted. I also believe she is correlating me with the word "mama." EJ has also been saying "mmmmm" a lot, especially when whining, which to me means he's calling for me.
Serena is showing some problematic behavior, and it's warranted a time out or two. She pulls Edwin's hair, rips his cannula off his face, and hits him in the head with toys. We say "no Serena" and this alone hasn't been working. So along with that, we put her by herself in the play area or in her crib and make her stay there for 45 seconds to a minute. I don't see it working yet, but maybe it will. It makes me sad to do it, but I have to protect EJ who is continuously crying about being hit or having his hair pulled. She does it a lot, and I really feel at a loss as to what to do about it. She's something else, and actually smiles as she is being bratty, which makes it all the more naughty.
In more positibe development, they are really taking an interest in books, and it is so fun to bring books out and let them look at them and to read to them. I feel like my little babies are really growing up!

I always knew I wanted to be a mother and knew the experience would be wonderful. However, I truly couldn't have imagined just how wonderful it feels to be Serena and Edwin's mommy, and I am so thankful every single day that I get to love and care for my amazing children.


23 weekers said...

I'm so happy that you found my website. I can't wait to read all about Serena & Edwin, Jr. All of my preemie friends were born after Kinnick and Carver. It's nice to have friends that are older. This gives me an idea of what to look forward to in the future. Please keep in contact.


23wktwinsmommy said...

I'm glad I posted on preemie moms about Serena. You guys made me feel much better about her behavior and I'm less inclined to even put her in "time out," because I agree that she is too young to "get it."
Thanks for all your support!