Friday, January 25, 2008

Busy, busy

Oh boy! Tomorrow is Edwin's first professional boxing fight! I am so excited and nervous! I'll post more about that Sunday or Monday.

As for the kids...well we found out Serena is allergic to penicillin. Her rash is TERRIBLE! The red blotches are ALL over her entire body, and it's itchy, and Benadryl isn't helping. I feel so terrible. She broke out on day 10 (her last day) of the amoxicillin. So my poor girl looks like a pink leopard and goes through fits of itchiness and fussiness.
Besides that she is doing great. She says "mama" consistently and appropriately (to me when I pick her up, when she wants me, and when she's upset), and her "language" is really improving. She says "bra bra" and I tie that with "brother." She also mimics sounds like clicking, and has this little conversation noise she makes when "talking to herself." She claps, stacks rings on the cone, and drops things into appropriate places and gets them out again. She also found the toliet, when a busy absent minded Daddy let her follow him into the bathroom while he was shaving. Apparently she was having a blast slaphing her hands in it. Gross...He washed her hands in the sink and boy did she like that. Splash, Splash again.
Tonight she stood unassisted for 30 seconds...her back was turned away from me, so she didn't really "know" she was doing it...hence her not luaghing and falling to her hands and knees like she's been doing. Her not standing unassisted has a lot to do with her being scared of letting go rather than not being able to let go.
Serena also had her EI eval today and still qualifies. We rushed through it, because of our need to make it to the weigh ins for Edwin's fight, and I'll have more specifics next week. Basically she is close to 12 months for most things, but has slight delays with fine motor and something else...I can't even remember.
Edwin has delays in all areas (as expected) but he's making progress...just on his own time.
Speaking of my guy, he is doing well. He got his top right tooth, and has been a little fussy, so I think the other is working its way out. He is doing better picking up food off his tray and successfully getting it into his mouth. He says, "heey/hiii", but not "mama" consistently, although he says "mmmma" when he is whining. He's ready to do the 1 hour twice a day off O2, but this weekend is so busy for us, I will begin that on Sunday. Today my mom left the room to grab a bottle for them, and when she came back in they were both standing holding onto the couch. EJ pulled to stand on the couch...something I have yet to see him do! So exciting!!! He is still unsteady with his low tone in his trunk so we can't leave him alone in a room now that he can pull up on the couch. He could fall and get hurt since he is unsteady and doesn't have catch reflexes. He is banging two blocks together and has appeared to clap his hands together mimicking us, although it is not as defined as Serena. He gets the concept though! He fed himself spaghetti today and did wonderful picking up the noodles and getting them in his mouth!

Edwin and I are staying at a hotel tomorrow after the fight. I'm excited to spend some special alone time with him, but will worry/miss S&E. I hope I actually sleep and not worry all night, because I could really use some sleep.

Anyway, I'll try and get a picture of Beanie's blotchy skin. It is quite incredible how awful it looks. I hope she gets better soon!

Wish Edwin good luck tomorrow. This is the beginning of a whole new chapter in our lives! The media have been covering him closely and it already feels like he is kinda famous! Can't wait to buy our kids a big house! Hopefully we can afford it soon!


Kellars Mommy said...

Good Luck!!! I am so ready to get into a new house..I know that you read Kellars blog but just wanted to give you that bit of *hope* on Edwin Jr's *skills*..They'll come to him, it took Kellar forever to catch himself when falling, I worried he'd never be a "safe" pull to stander..He seriously just in the last few months has learned to "clap" his hands, and even still at times he looks more like he's wiping something off them..Boys are stubborn!!!haha...

Randi said...

I already said a prayer for Edwin tomorrow. He will do great!!!

23 weekers said...

Good luck Edwin!

It's so amazing how well Serena and Edwin are doing. I'm excited to see Kinnick and Carver in 6 months.

Poor little Serena. I hope she's not to miserable.
