Friday, June 29, 2007

Eating from a spoon and playing in the pool

After the okay from our pedi, we finally tried rice cereal of oatmeal-like consistency with Serena and Edwin. Serena didn't know what to think at first, and didn't really swallow it at first, but then got the hang of it and ate quite a bit.
Edwin ate it up and also proceeded to smear it over his entire body, face, and hair. It was funny!
They then tried banana yogurt baby food and both seemed to like it, although Serena made a funny face at first, but then realized it was yummy...see pictures.
We went to my mom's house and put the babies in the baby pool for a couple of minuts. Serena sat there looking around, Champ almost cried but didn't, but looked slightly concerned about the whole thing.
Of course I took pictures. I can't believe how much more alert/social/interactive/adorable/cute/amazing/big, etc they are becomming every day!


Miracles said...

Ahhh!! Look at them, they are so precious. Getting bigger by the day. You must be having a blast with them now.

Jennifer said...

oh my gosh, the bikini is too much! I've got a great pic of my girl in one about the same age, the baby pudge makes them extra adorable!

They're doing great! Keep up the good work!

abby said...

They are soooooo cute!