Thursday, August 16, 2007

Real Quick!

Beanie just got on her knees and rocked back and forth. She semi-scooted/crawled backwards. She is so close and she is so proud of herself!
Yay for another mini-milestone!
Champ isn't too far behind!

Thanks for all the feeding advice, and update on that issue to come!


Mommato4miracles said...

I can't wait to see it!!! She is such a love, Edwin is too, we just love snuggling with them and watching them thrive

1stson24weeks said...

Congrats on all the milestones the kids are making this is great news! I hope you don't mind Stephanie but I wanted to ask you or any other preemie mom, how did you guys get your kids to sleep at night? I am going on three weeks with little to NO sleep at night and I don't know what to do anymore. I just cry all night long. ANY advice from ANYone is welcome. PLEASE HELP!
Sorry to use your blog for my problems, but I know you know allot about preemies and you have allot of preemie moms who read your blog I figured what better place for advice. I hope you don't mind.
Thanks Erika

23wktwinsmommy said...

Hey Erika,
No problem, this is what I'm here for...sharing information in order to help our precious preemies!
We were soo lucky. Serena and Edwin slept wonderfully from the moment they came home. One thing we did was had them on sleep positions (you can buy them at Target, WalMart, Babies R Us etc.) It was winter when they came home, so we had them all swaddled and snuggled up. Maybe this helped? They also like their pacifiers, and we calmed by being held while fed, then given their pacifier to continue the sucking as we laid them down in their beds.
Sorry I don't have more to add, sleeping is something Edwin Sr and I love, apparently it was passed onto our kiddos.
Now, they go to sleep at 8:30, take a bottle at 6am, and go back to sleep until anywhere between 8:30-9:30! Lucky us!

abby said...

Woo Hoo! Time to start babyproofing!

RANDIB said...


Shannon said...

YAY!!!! So exciting and glad you are sharing!!!

By the post is up.

Jamie and Jill said...

You go girl!!!! Keep up the GREAT're making us all SO proud!