Monday, March 5, 2007

Projectile Vomit! HELP!

So I mentioned Edwin's reflux in a previous post. Well over the past couple of weeks he has projectile vomitted on average one feeding per day. He is on Zantac and we added Mylicone drops for his gassiness. I also tried Similac with Alimentum and neither he nor Serena can stand it. It smells GROSS...just like cheap, dry cat food. Daddy Edwin, who used to eat scoopfuls of Similac powder as a child, stealing it from his infant brothers, decided to test out the Sim Alimentum. Upon taking a coopful he ran into the bathroom where I was finally able to take my first shower of the day at 10:30pm, and screamed "Edwin can't eat that milk!" Why? I asked. "It tastes GROSS!!!!!" Well, the twins agreed, and made the most priceless faces of disgust when I gave it to them...I had to make sure they were going to hate it...we have like 3 cases of the darn stuff!
So anyway, I have tried different bottles, different nipples, the gas drops, the Zantac, the funny smelling supposedly easy to digest, better for colic babies formula and NOTHING is helping. He will be taking his bottle with no issue, having burped well throughout the feed, and all of a sudden he will begin gagging or coughing and you know it's coming. Get the burp diaper in place because it's 'acomin'! It's horrible and I feel so bad. I remember being pregnant and vomitting once a day. It is not fun and I fear it will affect his desire to eat...although thankfully it hasn't yet. I don't understand what I can do. I wish I understood exactly why he was vomitting. I know he is a preemie and the immaturity of his diestive track and esophagus and all, but what is happening? WHy is some of his meal coming up at some points during the day, and other times he is fine? He went 2 days without any puking, and I thought we were good, well he did it twice for the nurse last night, and once this afternoon. I wish there was an answer. It seems like I have tried a whole bunch of remedies, but I guess I need to understand better why this is happening. The Zantac helps with aciditiy, but that won't stop the vomitting. The gas drops help with gas, and bottles and nipples can help avoid swallowing air thereby producing less gas, but what about the projectile vomitting? Is it a result of gas build up that brings up the food with a cough or a burp? I just don't get it and it seems the remedy I'm getting is increase his Zantac dose. Will that help? What other options do we have? Since he is gaining weight so well there is nothing the pedi wants to do, but I want my son to stop puking every day! Any suggestions?


abby said...

Have you tried Enfamil AR? AR stands for 'added rice' (and not 'acid reflux', though I thought that was the case originally). It's thicker than average and from what Hallie seems to suggest (and she's finicky as can be), it tastes good. I'd check on this with Edwin, Sr, though. That helped Hallie. Plus holding her upright after feeding her for about half an hour (not in a car seat, but upright) and elevating the head of his crib (if he uses one; our princess does not, still). Also, Zantac didn't really end her bouts of reflux, but Prilosec (infant suspension, 2mg/ml, premixed by our Children's Hospital whose pharmacy doesn't take our coverage, but that's another story) did help a lot. That, and a maturing gut, worked wonders. No one really knows what causes them to reflux so much. But if it continues, you should definitely have your pediatrician refer you to a pediatric GI. Perhaps there is a structural issue (a narrowing or blockage of the esophagus or even further down in the digestive tract). They can do a barium swallow study and or an upper GI to figure out what's going on. Or perhaps the contents of his stomach don't empty quickly enough---then they can introduce a motility enhancer like Bethanacol or Reglan (the latter has some important side effects that you will want to read up on). Also, check out the Parent-2-Parent infant reflux boards --the moms and dads there have a lot of experience with this. I hope this helps!

Miracles said...

If he is gaining weight I woudn't worry too much. You also mentioned that he wants to eat, so that's a good sign as well. My advice after going through it for so long would be just hang in there. Give it more time. If he starts turning his bottle away or losing weight then I would be concerned and at that point start to do a little more investigating. It's just one of those things that are unexplainable but eventually it passes.
It sounds as if your on the right track. Your trying different things to see if it will help him.

Lathan, Lauren, Logan, London said...

Enfamil AR worked wonders for our reflux babies (Lauren & Logan) but it was too harsh for Lathan's tummy (he takes Enfamil Gentlease). We did all of the reflux meds...Bethanacol, Reglan, Prilosec, Zantac but it seemed that time was the magic for us. Once our little ones started sitting up more and maturing, they no longer needed ANY meds!!!

Hope it gets better for you (and Edwin) very soon, it just isn't any fun for anyone.

If you do switch to Enfamil contact your area rep for samples and free cans. Also, if you end up not using the Similac you can sell it on Ebay...formula tends to sell pretty well on there!

Shannon said...

I just want to add a few things. If it is reflux, reflux is a disease. I am so tired of hearing that the child will grow out of it. Sure some kids do, but some don't as well. We were told that Ashton would grow out of it (he was on bottles/breastfeeding at this time). Well now he is 100%gj tube fed. His reflux has just gotten worse and worse. I don't want to scare you, but it bothers me that people think it is something that will go away.

Now for the zantac. What dose is he on? I wouldn't increase it at the time if he is just vomiting once a day. I also agree that if he is gaining weight and looks healthy it really isn't anything to worry about right now.

If you do come to a point where it gets worse I would get the swallow study done (to rule out aspiration), an upper GI (although this is only a moment in time). If it gets really bad, a ph probe is the only real test to show reflux and the amount of reflux.

I would just be happy right now that he still takes his bottle and isn't vomiting like crazy. I talk to one mom whose daughter vomits about fifteen times a day or more.

Good luck, and if you have any questions just email me. I have been through it all when it comes to reflux and meds....