I have some new pictures!
Edwin mastering tummy time!
Smiley girl...always blurry because she gets so excited and moves about
Edwin Sr used this pillow to attempt to keep their binkis in their mouths...made for a good photo op
God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
How cute!
You might check out the Wubbanubs (they are soothie binkies with cute dogs, ducks, etc attached to them that are tiny little stuffed animals). Hallie loved hers (back when she binked) and the stuffed animal is big enough for the baby to hold onto so that the binky doesn't end up falling out all of the time. I think they had them over at Nurture Place.com and at Children's Medical Ventures.
wow great video. am speechless except to say thank you for sharing your wonderful story!
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