I have good news and bad news. Bad news: Champ vomitted yesterday. Good news: he only did it because Daddy (who was convinced it was not my method that was helping him but rather that Champ had magically just stopped..maybe he thought he grew out of it?) fed him without any breaks. Anyway we have been having this "discussion" for the past 2 days...DON'T feed him too much at once, DON'T feed him in an overly reclined position, and DON'T move him around too much after his feed!
Well on Sat morning, Daddy was feeding. One ounce, two ounces, three...EDWIN that's NOT how we are feeding him I've told you!
Oh Stephie, Edwin doesn't puke anymore!
Yeah Edwin because we feed him slowly now. He hasn't puked since I've been feeding him this way.
Whatever Stephie.
::cough cough:: ::choke choke::-Champ
Stephie, get me something he's gunna puke!
Nope, I'm not getting you anything
And just like that Champ threw up all over the front of Daddy's shirt!
Daddy and I went back to feeding him slowly and he didn't do it again.
I have NO idea if this is why he isn't throwing up or not. But it seems to work...I guess like athletes who swear they need to wear their lucky socks in order to win? Well, I guess this makes a little more sense. But still.
Now Edwin has never been on Prevacid, and I am almost wondering what that would have done combined with Zantac. But for now we are holding out with no meds. I also spoke with one of the nurses who works with us, and her son projectile vomits a lot and he was put on Zantac, she felt it was making it worse and took him off and he has been doing better. I have no idea, I'm not against meds that help. I'm just crossing my fingers and trying to read Champ's cues. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could continue this no more puking thing. Also, he doesn't seem to be nearly as fussy after feeds.
If I had to guess I'd say this dramatic decrease in pukin is a result of him growing bigger and just giving him as much as he can handle at once without overloading him. We are lucky though, because if you remember he was doing it about once-twice a day, and from what I've read from other moms, this was not a lot of puking...even though to me it was causing so much distress. Isn't it awful when you hear that noise and you know it's coming, and you have to see that poor little face afterwards.
Well Champ told me to post a picture of what his face looks like now since we have been doing much better with not puking....
In other news, we copied Hallie's mom, Abby (I don't know how to make her name a cool link but she's on my preemie list), and we bought the twins the Symphony in Motion mobile. My mom insisted we get two different ones so they don't get bored...hehe...so we got the original as well at the Symphony Light in Motion. The latter requires C batteries and of course we didn't look first, and I didn't have any at home. Edwin went to the store to buy some and came back with batteries that you put in a smoke detector. Why did you do that...it doesn't even have a C anywhere on the package.
Oh, well, they looked like batteries I hadn't seen before so I figured these were the ones. I don't know what C batteries look like Stephie.
haha. Oh man so typical.
Anyway, we will set that one up today, but as far as the original, both kids LOVE it. Edwin was waving his arms and pounding his feet up and down on the bed. Serena smiled away. They were both so active watching it all the pictures came out really blurry. I'll have to try again today.
Anyway, I leave you with this picture of Champ, looking like he is going to copy his dad and try and wink in EVERY picture, making everything look silly! Scroll down to the pics in the park to see what I mean about Daddy. Like father, like son.
LOL those boys.. They think they know it all.. tee hee.. Champ showed him who is boss..
Keep up the good work Steph..
Sounds like you are all doing great. Your figuring out little tricks that work for you.
Reading your posts always bring back so many memories for me. A lot of things are the same.
Champ is so darn cute! No picture of Serena? Maybe next post.
hehe I was wondering if someone was going to ask about Serena's pic not being up. I always try to be fair and have pics of both, and I was going to put up pics of both of them looking at their mobile but they came out too blurry.
But in all fairness, the post I wrote about Serena's first smile only featured her and her brillant grin, so I had to be fair and do the same for Champ. These photos are the first captured BIG grins I have of him. So tomorrow there will be a post that includes pics of both :) You know us multiple Mommies have to be equal! :)
Oh I know, all of the girl's picture's when they came home were together until one started doing something the other wasn't. Then I would feel guilty that I took too many picture's of one and not the other that I would spend an entire day sometimes trying to catch the perfect pose of the one. I'm still that way. I guess it will never end.
The small amounts of food at every feeding, done slowly, with less time between feedings DEFINITELY helped Hallie in the pukorama department. She is on prilosec (a lot like prevacid in terms of how it works, from what I understand) and zantac, too. I am not sure they work 100% but she definitely needs them to some extent because when the doses get too small we do have more reflux. Anyway, the reason smaller portions work is that the stomach has more time to empty; I remember when we tried feeding her too much avocado once. Boy was that pleasant to clean up!
The battery story is too funny; I figure just buy lots of all of the different sizes and then you've got the whole gamut of kids' toys covered. We have AAAs, AAs (the leading favorite), Cs, and Ds in the house. I swear that the toy companies are in a broader conspiracy with Duracell.
I'm glad that they both love the mobile. It really is tremendous and wonderful. We could not live without it. Plus, when they get older they will love pulling at the various animals on it (they snap back, but if your kids are like my kid, they'll hold fast; no doubt this is why we had to replace the hand me down mobile in the first place!).
Happy April, guys, and here's to end of RSV season for you all!
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