Thursday, April 12, 2007

Things I want to remember


Serena is now doing wonderfully at tummy time. She pushes up and holds her head up so well. I am vey proud of her.

Serena still LOVES her binki. She likes to explore but usually wants to be sucking on her binki as she looks around.

Beanie is trying to talk. She smiles and tries to coo, and even though it sounds like static, she is trying so hard and is so very sweet.

My little girl has the perfect complexion. She has such a beautiful tan and I hope it stays like that forever!
She is getting so much hair! It is silky, straight, and dark brown...will it ever be curly like Daddy's?
Serena's bottom lip and chin quiver when she is about to cry. It is the most pitiful thing EVER!
She is a great sleeper, and we can put her down almost anywhere to fall asleep!
She loves her changing table.


Edwin LOVES to smile and "tell stories"

Learning Spanish

He has a distinct way of cooing when he's hungry.
Champ is a tummy sleeper. He goes against the recommended "back to sleep" and is only able because he is still on his monitor. We trick him by having him fall asleep on our chest and then placing him tummy down...sometimes even in his bouncy seat.

Champ's eyelashes are LONG...everyone comments on them!
His hair is finally darkening. It's dark on the top and lighter on the bottom.

He loves to stick out his tongue!
Champ peeks to see if your putting him down even when he is half asleep...if he catches you trying to do such a thing he cries.
After an intense cry, Edwin fades out with a little noise that sounds like an evil villian laugh!
He's still not sure about the tubby.

Both babies are trying to push off with their feet when they're tummy down on our chests. If you hold your hands under their feet they will push off and travel up as high as they can up your chest.
On the floor they do the same thing, and "squirm worm" their way across the floor.
When either cry, pick them up, put them up over your shoulder or against your chest and pat their backs or bums...they love that!

They are getting so big and I love them with all of my heart! Thank you to everyone who made their survival possible (God, NICU, and family and friends who prayed and thought of them when they were so sick and to those who continue to do so!)


Miracles said...

Love the pics. I cannot believe how big they are getting. Every post they seem to be a little bigger each time.

Sounds like your having a blast with them.

Both their smiles are precious!

Kathryn said...

This is a great post and GREAT pics. I can see why you want to remember it all. Your twins are so beautiful and doing so excellent! It's so great to see. Eventhough they have had a rough start like my little one, they still grow up way to fast and just get cuter every hour. It's great you are capturing it all from the get go. I wish I had a blog when Ellie was born. It's wonderful to see how you two are enjoying yourselves as parents! The babies look so happy and I can see why.

Lathan, Lauren, Logan, London said...

Looks like you guys are having a great time!

Such cute babies!!!

Lisa said...

Your babies are so adorable! And chubby... can you believe it?

I wanted to tell you that based on your example, I stopped William's Zantac to see if his projectile vomitting would abate. (he was on Prevacid and Zantac) And it did!!! We have had no projectile vomitting in 24 hours now, knock on wood. Is Edwin still vomit free?

Hopefully, his Prevacid alone will control the reflux and I can keep him off the Zantac. Thank you!