Hello everyone!
On Friday Serena and Edwin had a pedi appointment and their second to last RSV shot (in MA we go until the end of April...ugh cabin fever is in total effect!) Anyway, it was a tough visit because in addition to the RSV shot, Serena and Edwin got 3 additional shots (their 6 month immunizations!) It was horrible. Out of nowhere I started crying..like couldn't hold it back. Champ SCREAMED his whole face was beet red. Real tears poured down his face. I was crushed. The doctor hands me a tissue and was like "sometimes it's harder on Mommies" yeah I think so. Then of course I had to witness Serena having hers done. She was wide eyed smiling at me and the Dr and all of a sudden the first shot. It was so sad. She recovered much better than Champ. A snuggle and kiss go a long way with my Beana. Driving to Wendy's to indulge in some comfort food, I still felt the lump in my throat. They went through so much in the NICU, and I cried then too, I just feel bad when I know they are in pain.
Well then of course, as the Doc had warned me, they were fussy and grumpy after their LONG nap upon arriving home. Oh wait I almost forgot!!!
Before we got home, I stopped at WIC to pick up the checks for their formula (we are lucky, in MA if your children are on medicade you automatically receive WIC). Anyway, I had an appointment so I figured it wouldn't take long. The kids had been fed and were alseep and the nurse was in the back seat with them. So I left the keys in so she could hear some music and I told her I would be back. Well it took longer than I thought, and I even had to pull the "excuse me, I need to be seen right away, I have infant twins on oxygen in the car with a nurse and I really need to get back out to them." That kinda sped things along but we had to have this whole interview type of thing because Serena and Edwin are on Similac, and the WIC contract got bought out by Good Start, so I have to have special permission from the Pedi and had to do this paperwork...it was a pain. Anyway, I come back out and I go to start the car...well it won't start! Battery died! I semi-panicked for a moment, then I realized although the situation seemed bad, i.e. I have my two infants in the car, on oxygen, no power for heat, etc., it wasn't really a huge emergency. Afterall, we were at a hospital, we were within 10 minutes walking distance from home and I had the double stroller in the car, we were in a parking lot FULL of people, plus I have AAA. I usually have jumper cables, but of course my mom used them and never put them back..I need my own with a battery pack...learned that the hard way. So needless to say security from the hospital located some jumpers, and by some miracle the man parked next to me was actually in his car waiting for someone and had been alerted to the situation...he didn't have cables...he was the fist person I asked. So he was nice enough to pull his car closer to mine and jump it. We made it home and although I was slightly frazzled...(I called Edwin Sr's work in a semi-meltdown) we made it safe and sound.
So back to the babies. They slept through it all, and continued to sleep at home. They woke up really fussy, the kind of cry you know they are uncomfortable. I gave them Tylenol for the first time (my dad is so anti-medication, I admit those fears are engrained in me). But of course they were fine. Very sleepy, which also a little scary because they weren't waking up for their feeds (they eat every 3-4 hours). So I awoke them a couple of times to try and get them to eat, and they really wanted no part of it. They ate some but no where near the 3-5 ounces they normally take. So of course I was worried about them getting dehydrated, but I knew they were fine when they had wet diapers at every change. They still are not 100% themselves, kinda sleepy still, but definitely better than Friday.
So in important news:
Serena weighed 9 lbs 1/2 oz and is 20 1/2" long
Edwin weighed 9 lbs 10 1/2 ozs and is 20 1/4 " long
I was happy with this weight gain. You figure they weighed about 5.5 lbs upon discharge which was on Jan 29. They have gained a good amount since then, and hopefully will continue to do so.
We decided to take them to the park for all of 7 minutes because I was freaked out by the thought of being outside and not for a Drs visit, but it was nice to put them in their double stoller and get some fresh air really quickly. They slept through it, but were so relaxed. I think they'll enjoy being outside. When it gets consistently warmer I will bring them outside more. Even though RSV season doesn't end until the end of April, as long as we are outside as opposed to indoors with germs everywhere, I think it should be okay to take them for a walk. Especially since they are all buddled up in the car seats, and I can cover them like they're in a cave. Edwin Sr asked if we could bring them to Wal MArt after our park ride and I was like...um no that's not a good idea. Of course I want to get out and shop but not with them yet. Plus, once it is safe to go to the store (if I ever feel it is) I plan to put a sign on the stroller saying something to the effect of:
"Hi, yes we are twins...a boy and a girl, and we are on oxygen because we were born premature. Our mommy and daddy are very worried about us getting sick, so they ask that you don't come over to see us and visit right now. Thank you!"
I know that sounds weird, but even with healthy full term twins, or any multiples...it probably gets worse wih the more there are...people want to look and ask questions.
"Are they identical?" Well...they are boy/girl, so I'm guessing No. haha it happens EVERY time I tell people I have twin boy/girl.
"Why are they on oxygen? What's wrong with them?" Um..."wrong with them" is not so nice, but if I decide to get into why they are on oxygen more questions follow. Like:
"How old are they?" I still don't know how to answer that. If I say 6 months, they will think something is REALLY wrong. If I say 2 months, then it's more like well how do you have them home on oxygen if they are only 2 months old?
Then there's always the nice people who just want to look at babies and see how cute they are. Which is nice, but it's uncomfortable when they say :"oh can I see them?" and I just say "no." It deserves an explanation why I don't want them to peek, which involves a discussion. Therefore, I think maybe the sign would be better. Although it might be kind of conceited because it assumes people really want to see or ask about my twins...like they are so special or soemthing...haha which of course they are, but you know what I mean!
So I think for now we will be antisocial and put up a sign. I'll take a picture of of the sign...I think it'll be kinda funny.
Daddy is so proud of her jab!

Serena doing tummy time and brother watching!

Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on our blog. I think your twins are doing great so far. The NICU is one thing, but home is a totally different beast. I know and share your concerns for my own son, who is a former 23 weeker too.
I'm a member of a yahoo group for preemie blog moms just like us. The members are all moms of preemies of different ages gestationally and current. They are a real life line when you just need to vent or need to share concerns or ask questions. Go to yahoo, under groups, type in a search for preemieblogmoms and ask to be added.
Also feel free to contact me directly even if you want to just chat at drelovett@hotmail.com. I really feel that every NICU parent needs to connect with others who have been through it. Take care.
I totally understand about the sign. I was just telling my husband that I wanted to hang a sign on our stroller basically saying the same thing, however mine are no longer on oxygen. I have twin boys, not identical born at 30 weeks.
Love the pictures that you keep on putting on! They are getting so big!
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