Friday, April 6, 2007

Serena&Edwin Picture Post

(FYI Daddy is not shaving until Sanjaya is voted off American Idol)

Look at my loves!

I'm BEAUTIFUL! (see my smile?) and I'm STRONG! (see my muscles?)

We're listening to you Mommy!

my three kids!



Miracles said...

Way too cute for words!!

abby said...

The kids are so gorgeous! And Edwin (Sr) looks cute with a beard; I agree with his cause, btw.

Lathan, Lauren, Logan, London said...

Gosh, they are getting so big!

Such sweet little angels...hope you all enjoyed a Happy Easter!

The Amazing Trips said...

Wow - your babies are beautiful and most definitely MIRACLES!!!

Hopefully - HOPEFULLY - this is the week that your Daddy can finally shave ... we aren't the biggest Sanjaya fans!!!