Tuesday, September 25, 2007

September 25

On this day last year not too much happened. I went to work and came home and took some belly pictures since I was really starting to show by now. I was 23.1 weeks pregnant and I was so excited for my ultrasound the next day that I remember I had difficulty sleeping that night.

Today we have OT coming in with EI and I am anxious for her to give us even more ideas for strengthening Edwin's trunk and just observe them both overall. She was originally coming to help with feeding, but since Serena has now figured it out...to the point that she picks up the spoon and feeds herself and can also feed herself Gerber puffs and is content to do so for over a half hour, she'll be coming in to look at them motor wise, which she also specializes in. I love our EI worker but it's nice to get other perspectives as well. Edwin will sometimes sit when he uses his hands on the floor for support but is very inconsistent and really needs to strengthen those tummy muscles.

1 comment:

Nathali said...

You looked great in the pictures!!! Unfortunately I never showed. People didn't even know I was pregnant when I told them I had a baby!!