Sunday, September 23, 2007


Today we decided to go to Edwin's mom's house for our niece's bday party since it was just going to be family at the house and S&E could rest/sleep there, eat there, and do everything they do at our it is only 5 minutes down the road.
It was a lot of fun. I got to talk to my sister-in-law about the loss of her baby, and she is holding up pretty well. She said the hardest part is knowing she was alive and they did nothing. Because she does not know prematurity like I do I am sure this is an awful feeling. She said she could have accepted it better had Keiry died after they at least tried. What she doesn't realize is what "trying" is. Keiry would have been put in intense stress and pain through intubation, etc. It's so sad to say but it is better that she died pain free and peacefully in her parent's arms. I found out she was 21.5 weeks pregnant, and little Keiry lived for 5 minutes. Little is known about what happened, but it seems to me that it was almost identical to what happened with me. She was 3 centimeters when she got to the hospital, and it appears her membranes were bulging. Only, hers actually came outside of her body and therefore infection was a huge risk, and nothing could really be done. Finally she went into complete labor and Keiry was born breach. My sister-in-law (I guess I could write her name but I never asked for permission so I just haven't) was able to talk about everything without tears, and I truly admired her strength. She said she would like to try again to have another baby, but wants to find out what happened and make sure she is capable of carrying a baby to term. In her words "I don't want this to happen again." She said she just wouldn't be able to deal with that. It's true...who could deal with that? Of course she still looks a little pregnant and that must be really hard. I pray that she is able to have another baby and has an issue free pregnancy. I hope that for all of us who want more children and have gone through difficult pregnancies/births.
So it was a good day, minus Edwin crying a few times because everyone was being too loud. I had to take him into a quiet room because he was too overwhelmed because he wasn't feeling well toward the end and loud noises startle him. It's pretty quiet at our house with just Edwin, myself and Miss Serena, so he wasn't used to kids yelling and having fun.

Tia y Edwin

Ashley (1) trying to take toys from Champ

Okay I was laughing because Blades of Glory was on...have you seen that? It is sooo funny!

Mama and Serena Bean...her shirt says "I get my good looks from my Dad"...I think she looks like a mx of both of I contributed too :)

1 comment:

Nathali said...

I am glad you enjoyed the party (and that funny movie!! I have seen it). It seems like you have a tough week. Hang in there!!