Sunday, September 9, 2007

Lost to prematurity...

Tonight we received a horrible phonecall. Edwin's brother's wife lost her baby. After we got more details from calling his family, we found out that her baby daughter had been born today...she was only 21 weeks pregnant.
Edwin's sister-in-law was an ever present source of strength for me while S&E were in the NICU. She called EVERY day, multiple times per day sometimes, and came to see the babies countless times. She even brought members of her church to see the babies and pray over them. She an was amazing support.
This past spring she found out she was pregnant with her second. This Saturday is her daughter's 4th birthday party. She was so excited to add baby number two, and it was a joy watching her belly grow over this summer. We were all anxiously waiting to see if she was having a boy or a girl.
I am not too sure what happened exactly. As soon as we found out, we went to the hospital, the same one I delivered at with the NICU, and went into to see her. Swaddled in a pink blanket and wearing a purple knit hat laying in her mother's arms was the most perfect baby girl. She had dark hair, dark eyebrowns, a beautiful tan complexion, a perfect nose, mouth, and hands. She was so tiny, but so beautiful. She said to us, "do you want to carry her?" One of my favorite things Edwin's family always says, and they mean "do you want to hold the baby." Edwin held her in the palm of his hands, and then helped me hold her in mine, as I needed his help because I was shaking so badly. I was crying, when I was trying to be strong for her. My heart broke. Why do these things happen?!?!
As I mentioned, Edwin's family is Spanish-speaking. There was a lot of confusion as to what happened. All they kept saying was "she was 5 months. The baby was breathing...and the Drs let her die." They didn't understand that at our local NICU they will only go to deliveries of 23 weekers, and they only resuscitate at 23 and least 23 and 1 day gestation. I don't know if they would ever make an exception of a 23.0, but a NICU nurse told me "no." It is their's just the way it is. Edwin's brother and his wife had to hold their tiny daughter until she could breathe no more. They sat there wondering why no one was helping her when they had seen our babies so small and thought things were the same. His brother asked Edwin why they didn't do anything for his daughter but they did for our twins. It broke my heart. If only she was 2 weeks farther along...
This is a sadness that stings. Tonight Edwin told me we aren't having anymore children. He said "that could have been us." I don't know if he is serious or just heartbroken and scared. I want more children, but the thought of going through prematurity again is beyond scary. All I know is a loving, church-going family who has never drank, smoked, or even thought of trying drugs witnessed their baby die tonight and don't know why. All I know is this is happening to way too many people and I don't how close to finding answers anyone is.
In our family, we have me who delivered at 23.5, Edwin's other brother's wife who delivered at 28.6 weeks just a week before S&E were discharged, and now his other brother's wife who delivered at 21 weeks...all within a year.
As we returned home from the hospital tonight, I went into S&E's room and watched them sleeping. We are so lucky. Prematurity is so unfair. No parent should ever have to bury their child...No parent should ever experience the grief Edwin's brother and wife are feeling tonight.


Sarah said...

I am so sorry. :(

We lost our nephew at 18/20 weeks gestation earlier this year. It's so hard. :::hugs:::


Jamie and Jill said...

It just isn't fair! Why do bad things happen to good people?

I'll keep them in my prayers.

abby said...

I am so sorry. We are thinking of you and the whole extended family.

WeeOnesMommy said...

My heart goes out to you and your extended family. As you know some of my own story, too lost my son Chase at 20 weeks and had to hold him while he was breathing and they told me there was nothing they could do. TO cherish the time I had.
It was the hardest time in my life and I will never forget it, then not a year later I had Aiden at 24 weeks. A roller coaster all over again. 150 days in the NICU, he flat lined 3 times, not to mention NEC twice, a gtube, infections, and all the rest that can go wrong.

With that said, I look at him and consider myself so lucky.

I agree, no parent should have to bury there child.
Edwins brother and sister in law will be in my thoughts and prayers. Why things like this happen is something I will NEVER understand.

Sending Hugs..

Big Ali said...

My wife and I lost our first kid last year too early as well. I remember this year when she was admitted at 21 weeks and the doctors told us to expect the worst. There are no words to express the sorrow. I can't tell you how sorry I am.

Emily said...

I'm so sorry for your family. That's the thing that scares me about having another baby. Not having another 24 weeker. That was hard, but I know I can do it. I worry that I would have a baby at 21 or 22 weeks - so close to viable, but not close enough. Your family will be in my prayers.

Unknown said...

I am so very sorry to hear about the loss your family has suffered. We will keep you in our prayers.

Please let us know if they named little baby girl, I am working on a book, and I would like to include her name on my cover of angels, as I have every preemie child that I have been so lucky to know.


Nathali said...

You are right! It is SOOO unfair!! They did everything according to 'the book' and still they have to endure this. I wish them (and you) all the strength!!!

We'll keep you all in our prayers!!

Shannon said...

I am so sorry...I don't even know what to say. I can't even imagine being there as you were.

I had chills when I got to the part of you going in to watch S & E sleep....we are VERY lucky

Sonia said...

I am so sorry Stephanie.

My heart breaks for your family and I am praying for you and your family.

I know that lost well as we also held our precious daughter Rachel (Isaac's twin) for hours after she went to heaven. She was tiny because her sac PROM'ed at 18 weeks and she had no water since then till she was born at 23 weeks. At least for us, the medical team did try to resuscitate her as the viability age in Japan is 22 weeks. However, it was too much for her.



samylaine said...

I'm so sorry for your family's loss. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
